AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Association for Engineering Education of Russia The Trial Accreditations in CA countries with international teams to test CAEAS Prof. Sergei Gerasimov, Director of Accreditation Centre of AEER
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Task Months Study of the AC requirements to an educational programme (EP) 2Selection of an EP for accreditation by an university 3Organizational and administrative aspects 4Collection of information on an university and a department that implement an EP 40 days 15 days 10 days 7 days Model work plan of preparation for accreditation
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Task Months Analysis of the data on an university and a department that implement an EP 6 Making plans on EP improvement 7 EP improvement 8 Description of the analysis result in the AEER questionnaire format 20 days 10 days February - November 20 days Model work plan of preparation for accreditation
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT The Accreditation Center coordinates the process of accreditation : accepts and considers the applications for accreditation of engineering programs from the HEI, provides the HEI with self-study questionnaires, analyses the self-study report submitted by the HEI and makes the decision on an on-site visit, accepts and checks the reports of the Evaluation Team before sending them to the appropriate Accreditation Board. AEER Accreditation Procedure
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT The duties of the Examination Teams include : assessment of the study programs and facilities during the on-site visit, meetings with the head of departments/university, academic and support staff, with students/graduates, with employers/industry representatives, preparation of the accreditation report and issuing recommendation on accreditation or non-accreditation to the Accreditation Center. AEER Accreditation Procedure
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The institution must submit a written application for accreditation of an engineering program to the Accreditation Center.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The Accreditation Center considers the program’s eligibility for the accreditation procedure.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The Accreditation Center provides the institution with self-study questionnaires.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The Accreditation Center forms an evaluation team to carry out an auditing of the program.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The Accreditation Center takes a decision on an on-site visit upon an evaluation of a self-study report.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result An on-site visit takes 3,5 days.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result Within the three weeks following the on-site visit the institution may send its complaints to the Accreditation Center.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result Upon the study of all the presented documents, the Accreditation Board issues a decision on accreditation or non-accreditation of the program. The decision of the Accreditation Board is approved by the AEER Board of Directors.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT AEER Accreditation Procedure. Steps. AEER Select & Announce Selection of program evaluators Review of self-study report Visit report form Preliminary review Accreditation Centre Board of Directors Accreditation Board decision AEER Board of directors Final decision Institution Apply Self-study report Evaluation team On-site review Response within 3 weeks Notify accreditation result Appeal Notify final result The AEER sends the institution an accreditation certificate signed by the President.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Evaluation descriptors: Acceptable Acceptable with remarks Unacceptable «Acceptable» is given when the criteria are fully met even if improvements are possible. «Acceptable with remarks» is given when the criteria are not fully met but improvements can be reached during the reasonable period of time. «Unacceptable» is given when the criteria are not partially or fully met, and improvements cannot be reached during the reasonable period of time Evaluation of individual criteria
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Accreditation depends on fulfillment of all criteria to the programme under evaluation. descriptors are used For the final evaluation of criteria achievement the following descriptors are used: Accredited without remarks Accredited with remarks Not accredited, Accreditation without remarks, with possible recommendations for programme improvement, is given to programmes with all criteria recognized as “acceptable”. In this case, accreditation is given for the full term. Accreditation with remarks, indicating these remarks and the time period during which they must be corrected, is given to a programme with one or several criteria evaluated as “acceptable with remarks”. In this case accreditation must be given for a shorter term, after which corrections of these remarks must be checked. If at least one of the above criteria failed, a programme is not accredited. Evaluation of the programme under accreditation
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Binary scale satisfactory unsatisfactory Three-level scale below requirements meets the requirements exceeds the requirements Four-level scale О competence is not developed and the evaluator does not seek to develop it А competence development is required and possible В competence meets the standard С the evaluator shows better results than described in the standard Scale of evaluator competence measurement Note: For А it is necessary to explain the choice.
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT ОАВС 1.Special evaluator training 1.1. Knowledge of the accreditation criteria 1.2. Knowledge of the accreditation procedure 1.3. Leadership 2. Communication efficiency 2.1. Information transfer 2.2. Final report 2.3. Interview 2.4. Suggestions 3. Interpersonal communication skills 3.1. Collaboration 3.2. Bias 3.3. Diplomacy Example of evaluator competence assessment
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT ОАВС 4.Oriented to teamwork 4.1. Willingness to listen 4.2. Willingness to help 4.3. Cooperation 5. Self-discipline 5.1. Before a visit 5.2. Time management ability 5.3. Responsiveness 5.4. Self-discipline 6.Professionalism 6.1. Respect 6.2. Behaviour 6.3. Ethics 6.4. Decision making Example of evaluator competence assessment
AEER QUEECA PB and MB meetings, 15/16 Jan 2015, Porto, PT Thank you for your attention! Prof. Sergei Gerasimov, Director of the Accreditation Centre, AEER