Stage Directions Just listen!Write this down!
Upstage Upstage Left (UL) Upstage Center (UC) Upstage Right (UR)
Center Stage Stage Left (L) Center Stage (C) Stage Right (R)
Downstage Downstage Left (DSL) Downstage Center (DC) Downstage Right (DSR) PAUSE: With your seat partner, please take 3 minutes and write a definition for Upstage and Downstage on your graphic organizer.
More Drama Terms: Enter: a character comes into the scene from off stage (where they were not previously seen by the audience) Aside: a character does not speak to another character and instead addresses the audience (as they were having a side conversation) Exeunt: a character leaves the scene to go off stage/exit Setting: if there is no narrator the setting or stage directions are described for the actors using [brackets]