P Future Directions Sajeev Manikkoth
Cognitive Layer Cognitive layer inclusion in Whitespace radio spec Whitespace and Geo-db operation related primitives Channel/Spectra availability and permission related constructs – AVAIL_SPECTRUM_REQ Message from Slave to Master Primary/Secondary user identification for Busy channels Channel scan and Beacon scan based on the available spectra at a given location/time Support primitives in MAC and PHY layer – Fair MAC, DCR MAC, etc. Device capability and permissions – Ruleset, antenna, power levels, mobility, and location
Cognitive Coexistence Self Coexistence of Radios – Both in License and Unlicensed bands Hybrid mechanisms; autonomous + centralized Dynamic opportunistic spectrum sharing between networks Home network, Foreign network identification for idle and busy channels/spectra Intelligent adaptive manipulation of interference and opportunistic access Interference prediction, analytics and learning Adaptive Multi user detection schemes Parallel simultaneous transmissions