Grade 10 Religious Studies WELCOME!
Introductions Teacher Course Evaluation (summatives, tests, culminating) How class works (when we start, seating) Working as a team Knowing your learning style Policies, procedures etc (CAAP, lates, CARP)
Classroom Policies (briefly) St. David staff continue to enforce school policies as outlined in the student handbook. Please know these! Uniform – You will be enter this classroom in full uniform (handbook – ‘uniform’ also means HOW you wear it) Lates – We begin class at the final bell. Be ready at your seat! Courtesy – One person speaking at a time, put your hand up, stay at your seat for the whole period, no food/drink, please come to your desk with necessary tools Electronic devices – No, thank you! (bin, top corner of desk – *self-regulation*) – what if I have a laptop or tablet? Responsibility – all work, notes, assignments (formative and summative), homework and due dates are your responsibility.
Why are you here? Discuss in your small groups (choose a writer and put on chart paper): Why are you here? (i.e. Why are you at St. David, why are you in religion class?) What do you hope to learn here this semester? What do you expect from the teacher? From your fellow classmates? From yourselves?
What’s going on today? We will finish the learning styles assessment and get *tips* We will answer some individual questions. We will make our portfolios – artwork time! We will start on course expectations – already??
Individually… 1. What would you like your mark to be this semester? How do you plan to get the mark you want? 2. What other important information do you wish to share about yourself? (job, busy training schedule, things you know about yourself as a learner) 3. Describe your spiritual life at the moment. 4. What is your main learning style?
What is culture? Culture is everything that surrounds us – people’s behaviour (e.g. how they dress and act), music and other media. Culture is a way of seeing the world. In your team, describe: Canadian culture, Kitchener/Waterloo culture, St David culture Your family cultures Catholic culture
Portfolio How is it used? When does it go home? How is it assessed and when? How is it decorated? Trace your hand Title it “The Culture of my Life” Fill in each of the 5 fingers: 1. Describe who you admire the most and why 2. Name the most important relationship to you and why 3. Describe your family 4. Describe something you enjoy doing 5. Name a group you feel you belong in/identify with In the space around the hand, describe the role of God and the Church in your life.