Final Portfolio Directions -Use this template to enter your BEST piece from each of the projects. -You will be graded on an average using the rubric we’ve used for all of your projects. -When complete: 1. delete this slide 2. Save and rename using your name to your folder (File->Reduce File Size-> 96ppi) 3. me a copy.
Your Name Digital Photography Final Portfolio
1. Worm’s Eye
2. Bird’s Eye/Foreshortening
3. Rule-of-Odds
4. Depth-of-Field
5. Panning
6. Subject Blur
7. Macro
8. Forced Perspective
9. Scott Mutter
10. Framing
11. Candid Portrait
12. Environmental Portrait
13. Formal Portrait
14. Black & White Contrast Photo
15. What Is It? Photo
16. Alphabet Project (Choose your best photo)
17. Miniature Scaled Figure Photo
18. Panorama Planet Photo