Globalization of Media How do mass media affect global audiences?
Ideology zSystem of meanings, values & beliefs zGoverns the way we see the world and ourselves z Controls what we see as natural or obvious
U.S. Ideology n Consumerism n Private ownership n Pursuit of profit n Free markets n Individual achievement
Cultural Imperialism zConcerned with domination of one culture by another zOne-way flow of entertainment programming zThreatens cultural identities of other nations, especially in 3rd world
zU.S. films = 64% of European market zLocals can’t compete financially zMany countries regulate programming zCanada requires 60% own TV zSome countries subsidize film making zUS argues for free markets
Critics argue that: zEntertainment programs transmit culture as well as entertainment zCrucial role in transmitting and developing cultural identities (socialization) zChildren are especially vulnerable
Critics argue that: zWestern media producers destroy values and diverse cultures zThey import corrupt images of lifestyles, social relations zIndividualism, hedonism zCultural diversity should be preserved
Defenders of globalism: zAudiences aren’t passive zThere’s a “discount” factor w/foreign programming zAudiences “filter” what comes in zPlurality of interpretation (selective perception)
Ponder this zHow do concepts of cultural imperialism relate to your reading about global children’s TV and global MTV?
Children’s TV zChildren’s TV dominated worldwide by U.S. zAnimation translates well & has long shelf life zAlso kids’ magazines, audio & video, online shopping & recreation
zGlobal toy market--companies in other countries can’t compete w/US & our aggressive marketing zAlso can’t compete w/low cost of US programming
MTV z“Think globally, act locally” zGlobalization of Western youth culture zPredominance of English-language videos on its networks zMTV exploits synergies (Viacom home videos, CDs, consumer products, books) zAlso expands youth market for jeans, designer clothes, watches, soft drinks, etc.)
Hegemony nThose in power secure social submission of those not in power n Power not secured by force, but by socialization nTransmission of values
Media Hegemony nMedia produce a cohesive ideology nA set of commonsensical values & norms