Why include religious services in Scouting? BSA Charter and By-Laws Boy Scout Handbook
What is a scout’s own service? Baden Powell – November 1928
Planning a service Choose the setting Rehearsed Courteous, kind, reverent Rights and feelings of others Everyone may participate
Diversity Unit composition Seek suggestions, participation Inspirational passages “Scout’s Own” Interfaith Multifaith Nature of a service
Summary Include opportunities Encourage participation Share uniqueness Planning – simple/complex Support and respect Hymns Offering Be positive
Have you seen the light? 1. True or False The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God.
Religious principle The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no person can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God and, therefore, acknowledges the religious element in the development of youth members. However, the BSA is absolutely nonsectarian in its attitude toward that religious development. Its policy is that the organization or institution with which youth members are connected shall give definite attention to their religious life. Only adults willing to subscribe to this declaration of principle and the Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America shall be entitled to certificates of leadership.
Have you seen the light? 2. Choose the correct answer(s) The 12th point of the Scout Law includes the following responsibilities: a.personal religious obligations b.duty to country c.respect for the beliefs of others d.all of the above
Boy scout handbook A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others. Wonders all around us remind us of our faith in God. We find it in the tiny secrets of creation and the great mysteries of the universe. It exists in the kindness of people and in the teachings of our families and religious leaders. We show our reverence by living our lives according to the ideals of our beliefs. Throughout your life you will encounter people expressing their reverence in many different ways. The Constitution of the United States guarantees each of us complete freedom to believe and worship as we wish without fear of punishment. It is your duty to respect and defend the rights of others to their religious beliefs even when they differ from your own.
Have you seen the light? 3. Choose the correct answer(s) The word “nonsectarian” means a. nondenominational b. ecumenical c. not affiliated with any specific religion d. all of the above
“absolutely nonsectarian” A non-denominational service: is for Protestants, possibly appropriate for all Christians. An ecumenical service: one suitable for the whole Christian church. A nonsectarian service: one not affiliated with any specific religion.
Have you seen the light? 4.Choose the correct answer(s) Which of the following could be a violation of a religious belief? a.recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America b.removing one’s hat when indoors and/or during a meal c.expecting everyone to taste a particular food d.attending a program event or activity on a Saturday e. drinking coffee, tea, or cola
Have you seen the light? 5. True or False In accordance with their agreement with the Boy Scouts of America, some churches sponsoring Scouting units can require members of their units to participate in religious ceremonies and services distinctive to that church.
BSA Bylaws: “In no case where a unit is connected with a church or other distinctively religious organization shall members of other denominations or faiths be required, because of their membership in the unit, to take part in or observe a religious ceremony distinctly unique to that organization or church.”
Have you seen the light? 6. True or False An interfaith worship service is one that all Scouts and Scouters may attend. It requires careful planning to ensure that it does not violate the beliefs of any religion. 7. True or False Some religions have specific requirements that cannot be fulfilled through an interfaith worship service. Other arrangements might be necessary for Scouts of those faiths to fulfill such commitments.
Planning Recognize the universality of beliefs in God. Be considerate when choosing any scripture reading, prayers, hymns, etc. Welcome the opportunity to share the various religious beliefs of members. Appreciate our religious diversity.
Have you seen the light? 8. True or False Of the eight major religions in the world, all are represented in the BSA’s religious emblems program.
Religious emblems Religious emblems for Scouts to earn in: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Not presently in: Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism. Religious emblems are not Scouting awards.
Have you seen the light? 9. Choose the correct answer(s) “Duty to God” and “religious duties” are in: a. The Cub Scout Promise b. The Law of the Pack c. The Scout Oath d. The Scout Law e. The Venturing Oath f. The Venturing Code g. All of the above
Have you seen the light? 10. True or False Appropriate graces for meals at Scouting events do not refer specifically to a “central figure” —Jesus Christ or Allah, for example.
A scout’s duty to god … is done by “following the wisdom of those teachings every day and by respecting and defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.” — Boy Scout Handbook.