© 2005 McREL
Know generalizations from research and recommended classroom practices related to the nine categories of instructional strategies Understand how the research on instructional strategies can be embedded in classroom curriculum design
Implementing research-based instructional strategies is like _________________because_______ ________________________________ _________ Example: Implementing research-based instructional strategies is like a coffee pot because the process of learning how to do it gives me a great deal of energy.
Analysis of 30 years of research on instruction Experience with thousands of educators
Combined results from a number of studies to determine the average effect of a given technique. These results are translated into a unit of measurement referred to as an effect size.
The increase or decrease in achievement of the experimental group in standard deviation units. This effect size can then be translated into a percentile gain.
The information on the following chart and tables is rich with good teaching information. Examine them carefully and come up with at least one example of how a teacher could use the strategy in an instructional setting. Anticipate why the strategy may be so effective? Be prepared to share with the large group
Category Average Effect Size Percentile Gain Number of Studies Identifying Similarities & Differences Summarizing & Note Taking Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Homework & Practice Nonlinguistic Representation Cooperative Learning Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Generating & Testing Hypotheses Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers
CATEGORYMcREL DEFINITION Identifying Similarities & Differences Enhance students’ understanding of and ability to use knowledge by engaging them in mental processes that involve identifying ways items are alike and different. Summarizing & Note Taking Enhance students’ ability to synthesize information and organize it in a way that captures the main ideas and supporting details. Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Enhance students’ understanding of the relationship between effort and achievement by addressing students’ attitudes and beliefs about learning. Provide students with rewards or praise for their accomplishments related to the attainment of a goal.
CATEGORYMcREL DEFINITION Homework & Practice Extend the learning opportunities for students to practice, review, and apply knowledge. Enhance students’ ability to reach the expected level of proficiency for a skill or process. Nonlinguistic Representation Enhance students’ ability to represent and elaborate on knowledge using mental images. Cooperative Learning Provide students with opportunities to interact with each other in groups in ways that enhance their learning
CATEGORYMcREL DEFINITION Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Provide students a direction for learning and information about how well they are performing relative to a particular learning goal so that they can improve their performance. Generating & Testing Hypotheses Enhance students’ understanding of and ability to use knowledge by engaging them in mental processes that involve making and testing hypotheses. Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers Enhance students’ ability to retrieve, use, and organize what they already know about a topic.
Are some instructional strategies more effective in certain subject areas? Are some instructional strategies more effective at certain grade levels?
Are some instructional strategies more effective with students from different backgrounds? Are some instructional strategies more effective with students of different aptitude?
Which strategies will help students practice, review, and apply that knowledge? Which strategies will provide evidence that students have learned that knowledge? What knowledge will students learn? Which strategies will help students acquire and integrate that knowledge?
QuestionStrategies What knowledge will students learn? Setting Objectives Which strategies will provide evidence that students have learned that knowledge? Providing Feedback Providing Recognition Homework
QuestionStrategies Which strategies will help students acquire and integrate that knowledge? Cues, Questions, & Advance Organizers Summarizing & Note Taking Nonlinguistic Representation Homework Cooperative Learning Providing Feedback Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Which strategies will help students practice, review, and apply that knowledge? Homework & Practice Identifying Similarities & Differences Generating & Testing Hypotheses Cooperative Learning Providing Feedback Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Nonlinguistic Representation
Record your answers to the following questions in your Participant’s Manual: What are YOUR goals for this workshop? What do you need to do to reach YOUR goals?
© 2005 McREL