September 14 th, 2012 KEY CLUB
What is Key Club? International high school organization which emphasizes service in your school and community Meet new people, build character, develop leadership
How does Key Club work? Club level – high school clubs Division level – high schools grouped off by location; we’re division 32! District level – many different districts in the country, by location (Pacific Northwest or PNW) International level – clubs all around the world!
Who are the officers? President : Anthony Nguyen Vice President : Tracy Tran Secretary : Katie Ly Treasurer : Chloe Tsang Editor : Amelia Burger Historian : Cleo Tsang Advisor : Mrs. Anguiano
When do we meet? Every other Friday Room A-20, unless noted otherwise
How do you join? Pay your dues! $15 Pay to the cashier by October 1 st Start paying now!
Handbooks Pick up a handbook when you pay at the cashier No more in/out hours – ALL hours are hours Unrecorded hours from the beginning of summer- now, record them and we’ll sign them off w/ proof Recycling hours WILL be recorded each week in the handbook Officers or organizer of event must sign off During the quarter, you keep your handbook End of quarter, return it to the box in Room B-5!
T-Shirt Tentative shirt design Suggestions are welcome! Around $11
How to contact us… us! Facebook Pages Join the “Kentridge Key Club” group Website
Newsletter Monthly newsletter –Sent out via AND posted on bulletin board Includes important dates, events, opportunities, updates and pictures!
Class Representative Election Election on Friday, Sept. 28 th One rep per class Mandatory informational Meeting on Wed, September 19 2:20 pm in Room B-5 *Election forms are online at Forms due September 26 in B-5 NO EXCEPTIONS
Recycling After school EVERY Friday Meet in Room B-5 Go to different areas of the school in groups and pick up recycling First come, first serve Need all the help we can get!
September 28 th NEXT MEETING