Facts About Underage Drinking By: Travis Porter
What is Underage Drinking Underage drinking is when a person who is not of legal age drinks alcohol.
Why Is Underage Drinking Dangerous? Underage drinking is a major cause of death in the United states from injuries among young people. Each year, approximately 5,000 people under age 21 die as a result of underage drinking This includes about 1,900 deaths from car crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, and hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning It can harm the growing brain- the brain continues to develop from birth through the adolescent years and into the mid 20s.
Why Do Adolescents Drink They see their parents drinking Peer Pressure Dramatic changes such as, physical, emotional, and lifestyle. Parents Not Explaining The Dangers Of Alcohol
The Risk Of Underage Drinking Death Addiction Thinking Problems Cirrhosis Hypertension
Alcohol’s Effect on The Brain MEDULLA—The medulla controls the body’s automatic actions, such as a person’s heartbeat. It also keeps the body at the right temperature. Alcohol actually chills the body. Drinking a lot of alcohol outdoors in cold weather can cause a person’s body temperature to fall below normal. This dangerous condition is called hypothermia CEREBRAL CORTEX—Alcohol slows down the cerebral cortex as it works with information from a person’s senses. HIPPOCAMPUS—The hippocampus is the part of the brain where memories are made. When alcohol reaches the hippocampus, a person may have trouble remembering something he just learned, such as a name or a phone number. This can happen after just one or two drinks. Consuming a lot of alcohol quickly can cause alcohol poisoning. Drinking a lot of alcohol over a period of time may cause Blackouts not able to remember entire events, such as what you did last night. If alcohol damages the hippocampus, a person may find it hard to learn and to hold on to knowledge.
Alcohol’s Effect on The Brain
Ways to prevent underage Drinking Parents Talking to their kids early about the dangers of alcohol. Enacting Zero tolerance laws Stepping up Enforcement Of Underage Drinking Laws. School Based Prevention Programs -Setting Norms -Addressing social Pressures to drink -Teaching resistance skills -IT SHOULD INCLUDE PEER LED COMPONENTS AND TEACHER TRAININGS