Underage Drinking and Driving You are Under 21. You Drink and Drive in Maine. You Lose. This public education lesson supports the Maine Chiefs of Police.


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Presentation transcript:

Underage Drinking and Driving You are Under 21. You Drink and Drive in Maine. You Lose. This public education lesson supports the Maine Chiefs of Police Association’s 2002 Campaign Against Underage Drinking and Driving. The goal of this campaign is to prevent alcohol related accidents, injuries and deaths of 16 to 20 year olds in Maine.

Underage Drinking and Driving The Campaign Strategy The law enforcement agencies participating in the Maine Chiefs of Police Association’s Campaign Against Underage Drinking and Driving will use the following strategies:  Prevention through public education and awareness.  Mobilized enforcement during particularly high risk times like proms, graduations, and other celebrations.

Underage Drinking and Driving The Objectives of this lesson are that the learner will:  Become familiar with the Maine Chiefs of Police Association’s Campaign Against Underage Drinking and Driving.  Understand the importance of prevention and that it requires wide community involvement.  Understand the risks faced by all young drivers and their passengers.  Understand the dimension and seriousness of underage drinking.  Understand the impact of drinking and driving on year olds.  Learn strategies to help young community members to develop responsible decision-making.

Underage Drinking and Driving Why Prevention ? Minors = High Risk For Alcohol-Related Accidents that Result in Serious Injuries and Deaths

Underage Drinking and Driving Why Prevention ? Alcohol is the most frequently abused substance by young people who are 16 to 20 years of age. Underage drinking in Maine is a serious problem. Underage drinking in Maine persists despite that the legal age to drink is 21 years old. there is a Zero Tolerance law for underage drinking.

Underage Drinking and Driving Why Prevention ? Despite zero tolerance laws, year olds: Do drink and drive. Are involved in serious and fatal accidents. Are seriously injured. And DIE.

Underage Drinking and Driving Underage Drinking and Driving in Maine During the past 4 years, alcohol was related to an increasing percentage of deaths of young drivers and passengers in Maine. Youth Fatalities Alcohol-Related Percentage % % % Statistics are not available for 2001.

Underage Drinking and Driving Underage Drinking in the State of Maine is a Significant Problem “Early use of alcohol in Maine is frequently supported by community norms. Underage drinking is often either implicitly or explicitly acknowledged by others as an acceptable rite of passage. The whole community needs to be involved in changing those norms.” Report of the Maine Underage Drinking Task Force, October 2000

Underage Drinking and Driving Young Drivers Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15 to 20 year olds. The fatality rate of young drivers is twice that of other drivers. Only 7% of U.S. licensed drivers are between 15 and 20 years of age; yet 15% of drivers involved in fatal crashes are in this same age group. Nearly 70% of young driver motor vehicle fatalities in the U.S. occur in rural areas.

Underage Drinking and Driving Young Drivers Young drivers are inexperienced drivers. The crashes of young drivers are more likely to involve: a single vehicle driver error speeding Although there are fewer teens driving late at night, 41% of fatal crashes involving teenagers occur between 9 pm and 6 am.

Underage Drinking and Driving Young Drivers You are the most inexperienced drivers on the road. You do not have many of the collision avoidance skills of more experienced drivers. You may not identify hazardous situations as quickly. You may not respond to them as appropriately. In addition, some of you have a lifestyle that involves risk taking and unsafe driving.

Underage Drinking and Driving Young Drivers Do passengers increase or decrease your risk for accidents? What do you think?

Underage Drinking and Driving Young Drivers and Passengers Research indicates that passengers strongly increase crash risk for both male and female teenage drivers; the more passengers the greater the risk. One passenger doubles the fatal crash risk compared with driving alone. Two or more passengers and the fatal crash risk grows to five times as high as driving alone.

Underage Drinking and Driving Why Does Risk Increase with Passengers? The increased risk is thought to be largely the result of distraction and risk taking behavior. Verbal and Physical Interaction Loud Music Speeding Showing Off No seat belt use Alcohol or drug use

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol is frequently consumed by year olds. More than 4 million people under the legal drinking age consume alcohol in any given month. Alcohol

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol Alcohol remains the number one substance used by 8 th through 12th graders. Over 50% of 12 th graders report drinking alcohol within the past month.

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol kills more than 6 times more young people than all other illicit drugs combined. 81% of teens self report that they have experimented with alcohol; most who do continue to drink. Of all high school seniors who have ever drank alcohol, 91.3% report that they are still drinking in the 12th grade. 31% of high school students who drink, report that they binge drink once a month. Not all teens drink. It’s important that everyone understand that it’s cool to not drink alcohol. High School Drinking

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol Despite the fact that drinking alcohol is illegal for most college students, alcohol is widely used on campus. 44% of college students report binge drinking. Binge Drinking is consuming four to five or more drinks quickly.

Underage Drinking and Driving College Age Drinking On an average day, 4 college students die in accidents involving alcohol.

Underage Drinking and Driving College Age Drinking Approximately 2 out of 5 college students are binge drinkers, defined as drinking 5 or more drinks in a row (men) and 4 or more drinks in a row (women). Students who frequently binge are 21 times more likely than non-binge drinkers to: Be hurt or injured Drive a car after drinking Get in trouble with campus or local police Fall behind in schoolwork Be sexually assaulted

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol use is associated with the four leading causes of death among youth in the U.S. 1.Alcohol-related car accidents 2.Homicide 3.Suicide 4.Drowning

Underage Drinking and Driving Do you know the effects of alcohol? Alcohol has a powerful effect on the entire body! When alcohol is ingested, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to all parts of the body, including the brain. Alcohol is a depressant that intoxicates the nervous system. It is also a poison that can kill the body if too much is ingested.

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol intoxication results from the level of blood alcohol content (BAC) in the body. How quickly the BAC rises, and therefore how quickly the person becomes intoxicated, is affected by the following:  A person’s size, physical condition, and gender.  How much food they have consumed, their mood, their level of fatigue, their general health, and whether or not they take certain medications.  How much alcohol is consumed over what period of time.  The person’s tolerance to alcohol.

Underage Drinking and Driving Alcohol Can Have Serious Negative Impacts Research findings indicate: Many underage drinkers are involved in binge drinking. Early alcohol use impacts physical, cognitive, social and emotional development, in addition to its well publicized role in car crashes, alcohol poisonings, sexual assaults, and other tragedies. Underage drinkers often underestimate how much they have had to drink and their level of intoxication.

Underage Drinking and Driving Drinking & Driving Alcohol + Driving = A Deadly Combination

Underage Drinking and Driving Drinking and Driving Alcohol is involved in over one-third of these deaths; 21% of teen drivers who died were intoxicated. The severity of a crash increases with alcohol involvement. Alcohol-related highway fatalities are nearly twice as great for year-olds as for the population over 21.

Underage Drinking and Driving Drinking and Driving Alcohol has a direct impact on driving. Alcohol impairs decision-making and ability to maintain control. Alcohol: slows reactions to hazards on the road impairs perception of speed and other risks impairs judgment and decision-making Both passengers and drivers are less likely to use restraints or motor cycle helmets when they have been drinking.

Underage Drinking and Driving Any Blood Alcohol Level Affects Driving Difficulty staying alert and attentive, vision is poor, depth perception is impaired, the driver may be nodding off or asleep. Reflexes begin to slow. Difficulty with steady braking and acceleration. The driver is more likely to take risks with passing and speeding. Any alcohol affects the ability to clearly see objects (road signs, other cars) and people. Emotions begin to influence driving. Difficulty concentrating on the tasks of driving and difficulty making quick decisions.

Underage Drinking and Driving Making Responsible Decisions Responsible Decisions by Everyone in the Community

Underage Drinking and Driving Changing the Norm Not drinking is a healthy alternative. It’s not cool to be drunk. It’s not cool to drink and drive. It’s not cool to be dead. It’s cool to choose not to drink. Everyone in the community should participate in open, honest discussions about alcohol, especially underage drinking and driving.

Underage Drinking and Driving Communicate The entire community is responsible for communicating that underage and irresponsible drinking is not acceptable. Is your community? Parents should talk directly and honestly communicate their expectations about drinking alcohol while underage. Do yours? Parents should clearly communicate that they expect underage youth to not drink even though there are pressures from their peers and the community norm. Have your parents been clear with you?

Underage Drinking and Driving Stop the Availability of Alcohol Alcohol is easily obtained by underage youth. Adults who furnish alcohol are breaking the law and must be held accountable. The community should send a strong message that parent sponsored parties involving alcohol are unacceptable. Appropriate social alternatives should be encouraged and created by the community. What has your community done about this?

Underage Drinking and Driving Support the Enforcement of Laws Strong community support for consistent enforcement of existing laws reduces underage drinking. When the entire community, including parents and law enforcement officers, signal their intent to enforce the laws and hold all involved accountable, underage drinkers and those who provide them with alcohol change their behavior. The entire community benefits from responsible decision making.

Underage Drinking and Driving Do You Believe That Your Community Cares Enough About You to Act? What can your community do to prevent underage drinking and driving? What is your community doing to prevent it? What’s stopping you from helping the community?

Underage Drinking and Driving What Can Law Enforcement Do? Enforcement is one of the crucial elements in combating impaired driving and underage drinking. Use Enforcement approaches such as saturation patrols, sobriety checkpoints, and party patrols. Public Education is also combat this serious and complex problem by involving the media, distributing printed materials, and speaking to high school and college groups. Collaboration with Alcohol Licensees to eliminate underage alcohol sales. This is accomplished by targeting point of purchase and third-party sales.

Underage Drinking and Driving Three primary strategies can be used by all community members and groups: Support Law Enforcement Efforts Provide Substance-Free Dances, Parties, Prom and Graduation Activities Promote Responsible Decision-making These activities are often most effective and best attended when there is community-wide support, planning and attendance. What can the Community Do?

Underage Drinking and Driving What Can You Do? It is imperative that every person in every community actively participate in preventing underage drinking and driving in their community. Let’s set new Zero Tolerance in Maine. Zero tolerance for serious injuries and loss of lives caused by underage drinking and driving. Do you care enough about yourself and your friends to take action?

Underage Drinking and Driving Credits This public education lesson supports the Maine Chiefs of Police Association’s 2002 Campaign Against Underage Drinking and Driving. The goal of this campaign is to prevent alcohol related accidents, injuries and deaths of 18 to 20 year olds in Maine. The development of this lesson was made possible by a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Cooperative Agreement-DTNH22-01-H-05144) as part of its You Drink and Drive. You Lose. Campaign. This discretionary grant was awarded to the Maine Chiefs of Police Association and meant to facilitate the mobilization of Maine law enforcement agencies in addressing the impaired driving problem in Maine.