M.A.I.T. Aim To engage with young people below the age of 16 who are under the influence of, or are in possession of alcohol. Outcomes Reduction in the negative impact of underage drinking on under 16’s and the wider community. To increase awareness for those under 16 about their own drinking and the potential effects it has on their health and well being.
Street based initiative Partnership between Clued Up, Fife Constabulary, NHS Fife (Equally Well and FAPP),CLD Providing alcohol brief interventions then follow up support. CRAFT Tool Every Fridays 6pm until Mobile unit MAIT – Mobile Alcohol Intervention Team
Response Brief Intervention Assessment of risk Drug & Alcohol Information Follow up support Referral Assessment of risk Transport to return young person home if required Effect Arrest Warning Letters Sexual Health Condom Distribution Assessment of risk Health advice Brief Intervention Initial planning, co-ordination and support to initiative Working together within partners’ roles
M.A.I.T. Process Briefing – MAIT Team/Partners Partners identify suitable YP for Intervention Referral to MAIT Team Team Respond Engage and do Intervention Follow Up Retained by Clued Up, referred on or no action Referral Yes/No