Chapter 20, Sections 3,4. The New South
Southerners called Republican transplants carpetbaggers, and thought they were out for profits.
There were a variety of African-American politicians in the South during the initial stage of Reconstruction.
The Ku Klux Klan Secret society opposing civil rights for Blacks. Used terror and violence to frighten Blacks and white supporters of African-American rights.
Civil Rights Act of 1875 Allowed African-Americans to sue private businesses for discrimination.
The Compromise of 1877 traded the end of Southern Reconstruction for the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, who had lost the popular vote.
The Jim Crow Laws were laws enforcing segregation. Separate rail cars. Separate theaters. Separate hotels. Separate rights.
Plessy v. Ferguson Established “Separate-but-Equal” standard.
Sharecropping Landowners provided land and tools, sharecroppers labored. Put most people in a “cycle of debt”.
The New South Movement Idea of Henry Grady, Atlanta newspaper editor. Take advantage of cotton and cheap labor, and build textile Mills. Repair railroads and ship goods faster.
Southern Culture Mark TwainSpirituals