State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division RBA Report Card – Adult Probation November 10, 2010 Update to the Criminal Justice Policy Advisory Commission
How Much Do We Do?
3 Adult Probation Caseloads The number of probationers on active caseloads has decreased by 22 percent since January 2010, while the total supervision caseload has decreased by only six percent Total probation intake decreased in FY 2010 by five percent to 26,900 from a five year average of 28,304 The average caseload of a supervision officer in January 2009 was 91;today the average is 65
How Well Do We Do It?
5 Adult Probation Treatment Timeliness Probation Officers are required to make timely referrals that result in probationers starting treatment within 30 days following the completion of a case plan The performance in this metric has increased by 39 percentage points over the 2009 performance
6 Adult Probation Technical Violation Rate Technical violation rates have trended lower compared to previous years, showing a reduction of over 20 percent from Programs such as the Technical Violation Units and more consistent application of policy and procedure have contributed to this trend
Is Anyone Better Off?
8 Adult Probation Successful Completion Rate Completion of probation without warrant activity has consistently been at or above the established goal in 2010 Nationally, the rate of successful completion of probation is percent (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
9 A one percentage point drop in the re-arrest rate, sustained over a full year, results in approximately 280 fewer persons recidivating annually. A five percentage point drop results in 1,400 fewer recidivists (based on ~28,000 new probationers annually) Adult Probation 24-month Rearrest Rate
10 12-month re-arrest rates for clients who complete AIC services is generally declining A Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee study in 2004 found that 44 percent of AIC participants were re-arrested within 12 months AIC Completer 12-month Rearrest Rate