Applications to daily life
By not littering and picking up litter you see, you may be saving the life of a marine mammal. Also floods, dengue, etc! Don’t litter! Photo credit: Sherard Design
Personal Battle the Consumer Culture Buy less Refuse plastic bags Bring your own water Bring your own coffee mug
Personal Reduce paper use Recycle paper (one-sided use) Avoid styrofoam!
Personal Communicate – facebook Communicate – blog, newsletter
Workplace (higher returns) Daily resource use Leakage, air-con, recycling programme Event catering (recyclable, less food, vegetarian options)
Activist Ask for reductions Change practises – goodie bags Applicable to other resources – take an interest – green audit
Activist Write and ask for reductions Question food wastage, excess plastic use, etc. Share solutions – ICCS needs a page
ICCS Green Audit Providing water? (why?) Providing food? (cornware at least) Gloves – reuse, no space (recycle) Banner (reuseable?); t-shirts (why?)
Meatless one day/week 1 Overheating the planet 2 Eating up land 3 Drinking too much water 4 Causing deforestation 5 Poisoning the earth 6 Spoiling the oceans 7 Ruining the air 8 Making us prone to disease 9 Draining the world's oil 10 Meat's costly, in many ways
Care for the planet?