C OMMUNICATION I N THE WORK PLACE By: John Randle JR Class: interpersonal communication Teacher: Ignatjeva
I NTRODUCTION Where do we most communicate in the work place; Education has many different kinds of studies. My topic is on school teaching. Teacher and student communication Teachers communicating with teachers Teachers communicating parents
C OMMUNICATION Teacher and student communicate with one another on a day to day bases. They exchange ideas to reach over all concepts to arrive at conclusion to achieve a solution. In all students and their teachers communicate with one another to help students arrive at a higher standard of learning. Through this communication will take place.
P ARENT C OMMUNICATION Teachers communicate with parents to give up dates on the students grades. To explain the students behavior even tardiness to class. &feature=related
T EACHER AND TEACHER Teachers communicate with other teachers. As one way they communicate on how to administered a level of faster learning techniques. Teachers come together on ways to get students to participate in classes. And they associate on ways to grade students papers. They even work together on giving assignments. They work together on structured learning programs.