CEET 16 th Annual National Conference: Equipping and supporting young people for the future Bronwen Heathfield, Acting Executive Director Pathways, Participation and Youth Division, DEECD Friday 26 October, 2012
Draft DEECD Strategic Plan Achievement Raise standards of learning and development achieved by Victorians using education, development and child health services Engagement Increase the number of Victorians actively participating in education, development and child health services Wellbeing Increase the contribution education, development and child health services make to good health and quality of life of Victorians, particularly children and young people Productivity Increase the economic and social return on expenditure on DEECD’s services Goal Lift education and development outcomes into the top tier, over the next ten years Objectives
VET Delivery by Age Group Source: Victorian Training Market Quarterly Report Q2 2012
VCAL Growth
Participation in VETiS Certificate enrolments have increased by over 30 per cent from 2006 to 2011 More students are choosing to do more than one VET certificate towards senior secondary certificate completion VETiS participation rate is 62 per cent higher in rural areas than in metropolitan areas Nearly all government secondary schools - around 92% - have at least one student participating in VETiS Source: VCAA APS Database, January
Coherent Pathways Pathway ThemeLead SchoolsConcludes Building and ConstructionBendigo Senior Secondary2012 Manufacturing and Engineering Wodonga Senior Secondary2012 Community Services and Health Bundoora Secondary2013 Sport and RecreationEssendon Keilor College2014 STEM disciplines (Uni Bridges with La Trobe University) Mill Park Secondary Reservoir High Bendigo Senior Secondary
Focus of Refocused VET Reforms Ensuring the quality of training providers Ensuring the relevance of training – maximising public benefit
VET Government funded enrolments in foundation courses Source: Victorian Training Market Quarterly Report Q2 2012
Career Development Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework Enhances the career development of young people and supports their transition through school to further education, training and employment Focuses on building the capacity of young people, parents/carers and careers practitioners Career Action Plans and additional guidance for targeted cohorts Regional Career Development OfficersStudy Grants for Careers Practitioners
Industry advisory arrangements will transition to a direct consultation model Ensuring the Relevance of Training A stronger, direct Industry voice Supporting critical and niche skills needs New $6 million a year Industry Transition and Specialist Training Initiative to address critical skills needs and respond to large-scale company closures New model for industry engagement More direct relationships between employers and training providers Better Information One-stop-shop website Electronic Marketplace, and Regional Market Facilitation Managers Maximising public benefit via closer industry engagement; improved information; and targeted support
Attributes that young people need... Persistence Resilience I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire. - Bobby Unser Enterprise Drive