Making the digital Playground safer! Robert Boltz & Julie Golden Eastern Lebanon County School District
1/06 3/06 IU13 hosted Internet Safety sponsored by i-Safe America ELCO Students Surveyed. i-Safe Parent Night Conducted om
Grade Level# of StudentsMaleFemale Total Survey om
Sample of Questions om
Methods Used to Promote Parent Night Articles within the local newspaper School Communicator Principal and Teacher newsletters Mass distribution system om
ELCO=78% ELCO=26% ELCO=35% ELCO=37% om
ELCO MS = 40% ELCO MS= 41% ELCO MS= 29% ELCO MS= 16% HS=47% HS=71% HS=37% HS=18% om
ELCO MS- 43% ELCO MS- 50% ELCO MS- 17% ELCO MS- 10% HS- 60% HS- 59% HS- 16% HS- 12% om
1/06 3/06 6/06 IU13 hosted Internet Safety sponsored by i-Safe America ELCO Students Surveyed. i-Safe Parent Night Conducted Business Education Meets to Rewrite Curriculum om
i-Safe Inc Attorney General’s Office - Operation Safe Surf om
1/06 3/06 6/06 3/08 IU13 hosted Internet Safety sponsored by i-Safe America ELCO Students Surveyed. i-Safe Parent Night Conducted Business Education Meets to Rewrite Curriculum ELCO Students Surveyed. i-Safe Parent Night Conducted om
Grade Level08 # of Students06 # of Students08 Male06 Male08 Female06 Female Total Survey om
ELCO=79% ELCO=31% ELCO=32%* ELCO=35% om
Do you have your own cell phone YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
Use of cell phone as primary communication YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
Do you maintain a Social Networking site? YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
ELCO MS = 30% ELCO MS= 44% ELCO MS= 16% HS=47% HS=77% HS=22% om
Have you ever given personal information YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
ELCO MS- 38% ELCO MS- 44% ELCO MS- 17% ELCO MS- 9% HS- 49% HS- 51% HS- 14% HS- 7% om
Have you made hurtful comments? YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
Have you had hurtful comments made to you? YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
Have you ever been bullied online? YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e
Have you ever been threatened online? YearMS%HS%Total%Male Femal e