Women Enterpreuneurs in Rural Tourism Dissemination plan for Estonia
Dissemination plan Information about the project second meeting in Athens to personnel of the Vocational Centre of Pärnu County – list A round table for Raili, Sirje and Ene - Information about the project second meeting in Athens, needs analysis Estonia and future plans Project/
Dissemination plan – Information about the WERT project needs analysis Estonia - A list of Cooperational Network of Adult Training Departments in Estonian Vocational Schools (not an organisation) Information about the WERT Skill Area Estonia and Summary, WERT course plan - round table for teachers and manager of adult training of of the Vocational Centre of Pärnu County (6 )
Dissemination plan Information about the WERT project, needs analysis Estonia and Skill Area, WERT Community - meet with Head EVEA Kersti Kraas EVEA - Estonian Association of SME's(interests of Estonian small- and medium-sized enterprises) Head EVEA Kersti Kraas
Information about the WERT project, needs analysis Estonia and Skill Area, WERT homepage and facebook, Course plan; WERT Community - meeting with ETHL ETHL - Association of Estonian Tourism Education (11+1 schools) Dissemination plan
Future plans Round table for VET providers and target groups about the project outcome and information about the pilot training October Newsletter of the project progress, s diffrent target goups lists rural tourism meeting Pärnu Partnerluskogu meeting
Thank you The Parnu County Vocational Centre Iisalmi