Basic Equine Reproduction Ms. Mayfield
Equine Reproduction Female (dam) Anatomy Ovary: The essential reproductive organ of the mare; produces the hormone estrogen; site of egg production. Oviduct: The passage for the egg to the uterus; site of fertilization. Fimbria: Funnel-shaped end of the oviduct near the ovary; catches the egg and funnels it into the oviduct. Uterus: Site where fetus implants and develops through gestation.
Cervix: Vagina: Vulva: Clitoris: Separates the uterus from the vagina; prevents bacteria and debris from entering the uterus. Vagina: Site where semen is deposited during natural breeding. Vulva: External portion of the female reproductive tract. Clitoris: Structurally related to the penis in the male; it arises from the same embryonic tissues.
Side Profile of Female
Internal Parts
Equine Reproduction Male (sire) Anatomy Testes: Site of sperm production; produce the male hormone testosterone. Scrotum: Protective sack around the testes; helps to regulate the temperature of the testes. The cremaster muscle contracts to draw the testes up toward the body during cold weather to keep them warm, and relaxes to lower them away from the body to keep them cool when the weather is hot. Epididymis: The site of sperm storage and maturation. Vas deferens: The passageway for the sperm to pass from the epididymis to the urethra and accessory sex glands in the pelvic region.
Penis: Prepuce: Accessory sex glands: The copulatory organ of the stallion. Prepuce: Loose surrounding skin that protects the free end of the penis. Accessory sex glands: Contribute fluids that serve as a buffer and source of nutrients for the sperm cells: bulbourethral gland, prostate gland, vesicular gland.
Side Profile of Male
Internal Reproductive Parts
Pair Project Find a Partner Using the white Butch Paper Draw and label either the male OR female reproductive parts Both pictures must be included Using markers and map pencils to make your Drawings professional Make sure to put your name on the back of the poster and turn in on the front table at the end of class.