Road to Revolution Part 2
Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: To identify KEY people, events, and Acts leading to the Am Revolution Essential Question: What KEY events and people turned colonists against the British and led to the Am Revolution?
* Boston Tea Party ) After Britain continued to tax tea, colonists protest by dumping Br tea into Boston Harbor. 2) 92,000 lbs of tea destroyed, worth $1 million
* Boston Tea Party ) Boston Tea Party was planned by a secret rebel organization called the Sons of Liberty. 4) S of L plotted against Br policies.
* Intolerable Acts ) Br shut down Boston Harbor to ALL trade until ruined tea was paid for 2) Br sent more troops to Boston to enforce Br laws on colonists in the Mass colony.
* Intolerable Acts ) Replaced colonial elected positions w/officials appointed by the King & P. 4) Outlawed colonists from town meetings
* Loyalists vs Patriots 1) Def’n: Loyalists Colonists who stayed loyal to the Crown (Britain) Wanted to remain under British rule (~ 20% of pop)
* Loyalists vs Patriots (Trailer 2:40) (Trailer 2:40) 2) Def’n: Patriots Colonists who favored a rebellion against Br Wanted to be free of Br rule Trying to overthrow the Br gov’t considered an act of treason, punished by death
* Loyalists vs Patriots 3) Def’n of Minutemen All-volunteer company of armed civilians trained to fight “at a minute’s warning.” Made up 25% (1/4) of the Continental Army
* Patrick Henry - March 1775 AaA ●Patriot from Virginia ●Gave a powerful speech stating, “Give me liberty or give me death.” ●His speech persuaded fellow Virginians to arm in self-defense against the Br.
* Thomas Paine & “Common Sense” 1) Thomas Paine Recent immigrant from England/Britain. Believed that ALL men, (not just landowners) had a right to vote Against ALL gov’ts ruled by a monarchy (royal rulers) Called King George III “the Royal Brute”
Common Sense – Jan ) “Common Sense” Name of pamphlet written by T.P. Challenged the authority of the Br P and King George III 1 st publication to argue that the colonists should seek independence from Great Br.