WHAT IS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? Applying science and data for practical purposes Do you like to… o Make discoveries? o Learn how things work? o Fix things? o Solve puzzles and problems? o Create new things?
First female engineer hired by Facebook RUCHI SANGHVI o BS and MS in Electrical Computer Engineering o Joined Facebook in 2005 as one of the main people working on the first version of its news feed o Became the product lead for Facebook Platform in 2006 o Awarded a TechFellow "Best Engineering Leadership Award" in 2011 for her work at Facebook o Founded Cove in 2010 and later joined with Dropbox
President and CEO of Yahoo! MARISSA MAYER o BS in Symbolic Systems and MS in Computer Science Specialization in artificial intelligence o Joined Google in 1999 as its first female engineer o Became President and CEO of Yahoo! in 2012 o Ranked 32 in Forbes magazine’s List of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women in 2013 o First woman to be listed as number one on Fortune magazine’s annual list of the top 40 business stars under 40 years old
CAREERS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY o Computer Engineers (CE): design the hardware. o Computer Scientists (CS): devise the algorithms to process images and information. o Software Engineers (SE): write software and ensure that it meets quality standards. o IT professionals (IT): connect equipment to the rest of the high-tech gear. o Information systems (IS) specialists: ensure that the right staff gets the right information at the right time
HOW IS I.T. USED EVERYDAY? Video Games o Powerful chips capable of displaying lifelike characters in 3D worlds are made by… Computer Engineers o Artificial intelligence that makes games challenging and keep you coming back for more are thought up by… Software Engineers o Technical support networks and infrastructure enabling game development are prepared by… IT Experts
HOW IS I.T. USED EVERYDAY? Cell Phones o Smaller, less power-hungry chips are made by… Computer Engineers o Compression algorithms to transmit information more efficiently are developed by… Computer Scientists o Connections between businesses and mobile customers are prepared by… Information Systems Specialists o Up-to-date hardware and software are monitored by… Information Systems Specialists
HOW IS I.T. USED EVERYDAY? Medical Technology o Machines that help diagnose patients are designed by… Computer Engineers o Algorithms to process images from electrical impulses are developed by… Computer Scientists o Imaging equipment for the hospital equipment is monitored by… IT Professionals o The correct medical staff get the right information at the right time because of… IS Specialists