Project based learning created by Alison Meyer June 7,
Project Based Learning is many lessons that are governed by questions that guide and direct our learning. Students will be completing many projects throughout the course of the PBL to accomplish the lessons’ goals. For this unit, students will learn about the six traits and use them in their writing. Students will explore components of the six traits and “ paint ” with them until they are able to use it confidently in their writing. 2
Students learn 21 st Century Skills through Project Based Learning (PBL). Students create unique and original works throughout the year. Students “own” their learning by asking questions and seeking answers. 3
Three categories define 21 st Century Skills. They are: Life and Career Skills Learning and Innovation Information, Media, and Technology Skills What does this look like in the classroom? Collaborative work where students are responsible for their own learning Real world skills such as team work and problem solving in a group setting Self-reflection on their own learning and controlling the pace and amount of learning that takes place Use of technology to support and enhance the project 4
Throughout the school year, students will produce original writings using the six traits to create a clear and descriptive, painted picture to the audience/reader. Students will have an opportunity to work individually and cooperatively to accomplish the project. 5
How would you say that? 6
How might I include the six traits in my oral language and written communication? Why should I figure out how to use the six traits? How will I know I have used the six traits? 7
Describe the different genres of writing in which the six traits can be used. What are the six traits of writing I will need to know? What is the definition of each of the six traits? What are the different types of writing genres I am responsible in learning? 8
Teacher will… Students will… Teach and guide students to: ◦ work independently ◦ work with partners ◦ work in small groups Encourage students to be creative Ask open ended questions where students come up with their own answers Provide opportunities to use technology in projects Work independently Collaborate with partner Collaborate in small groups Create original writings “ Paint ” with language Discover answers on own Be creative Use the six traits in writing Create projects with technology 9
A “Project Based Learning” experience with The Six Traits Personal narrative (Stand 3, Concept 1, PO1) Relevant details (Strand 2, Concept 1 PO 2) Support of topic (Strand 2, Concept 2, PO5) Awareness of audience (Strand 2, Concept 3, PO1) Expressive text (Strand 2, Concept 4, PO2, PO3) Rhythm and flow of language (Strand 2, Concept 5, PO2, PO3) Mechanics of writing (Strand 2, Concept 6, PO1, PO2, PO6) 10
In addition to the completed, original writings, students will be assessed in various forms throughout each step of the six trait project such as: ◦ Wikis ◦ Blogs ◦ Surveys ◦ Multiple choice questions – online ◦ Posters ◦ Brochures ◦ Presentations See next page for more assessments 11
Additional assessments: ◦ “Publish” works by displaying in classroom, sending them to companies/people, posting them online ◦ Creating a Windows Movie Maker movie where students can narrate the Power Points and pictures associated with their work ◦ Creating “games” to be used on the Smartboard ◦ Online games to practice and see different forms of the six traits ◦ Since project based learning is directed by teachers and students, more assessments may be created based on the needs and desires of the teacher/student partnership 12
Click on the following to see an example of a different assessment. 13
Feel free to ask questions. Please give feedback throughout your learning process Let me know how I can help you. (All animations/graphics retrieved from Microsoft Office online on March 22, 2010) 14