Household Waste Management: Hazardous Waste
The average American creates 5 pounds of waste per day, half which is recycled in some manner, leaving roughly 2.5 pounds of waste per day. The ultimate goal of waste management is to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills to the absolute minimum through recycling and/or reuse of all suitable materials.
Hazardous Waste
The best way to dispose of household hazardous waste is to use them for their intended use, but if you must dispose of them, use safe options.
Latex Paint
Oil-Based Paint
Paint Thinners, Solvents, Stains and Other Oil-Based Paint Products
Cleaning Supplies
Motor Oil
Cell Phones and Accessories
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Questions If you have any questions or concerns regarding how to dispose of any item that may or may not be hazardous, contact your local solid waste coordinator or the Division of Waste Management.
References: HENV-104 Household Waste Management: Hazardous Waste (2010). Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Photo credits: Unless otherwise noted photos and clipart used in this presentation were obtained from Microsoft Office ( November Contact : Ashley Osborne, M.S., Extension Associate for Environmental and Natural Resource Issues. E: P: Date : November 2011