Voter registration numbers say a lot about what citizens think of their vote –Less than half of eligible citizens in America are registered to vote –40% of eligible citizens in Virginia voted in the 2009 race for governor Most citizens turnout for large elections (like those for President). Yet, despite the fact that less than half of eligible voters are registered, turnout among them can make difference. –For example, high voter turnout by seniors along with low turnout by young voters could lead to more funds for senior programs, and less for youth education Citizen turnout for state and local races is typically low. But, voting in these races is precisely where your vote can directly impact the quality of your life. A Citizen Participation Campaign Talking Points
Who you vote for to govern your local and state government and/or to represent you in the U.S. Congress is extremely important. Why?: –Your local elected officials decide how much you have to pay for personal and property taxes; approve the local public school budget; appropriate funds for police and fire services; etc. –Your state representatives determine how much you have to pay for state taxes; decide on funding for education, road maintenance, law enforcement; etc. They also pass legislation to expand job opportunities and to create jobs. –Your representatives in the U.S. Congress make decisions about funding that directly affect you … decisions about things like Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, community block grants, and unemployment compensation. A Citizen Participation Campaign Talking Points
Just because your vote gets a government official into office, it does not guarantee that that person will always represent your views. –That’s why it’s important to contact your representatives to remind them of your views and/or to get reasons when they vote against matters they promised to support to get your vote –That’s why it’s important to vote. You can always vote for another representative when the current representative’s term is up. Voting does not mean that your candidate will always win. But a no vote ensures that candidates with ideas that you don’t agree with will. When you don’t vote and never participate in the political process, you lose the chance to ever get your thoughts and opinions heard. You give up the opportunity to improve the quality of your life for yourself, your family, your community. A Citizen Participation Campaign Talking Points