Chapter 10 Review
A few reminders… We are going to QUIZ over Chapter 11 on Thursday Your Chapter 6 – 11 test will count as your midterm exam during the exam week of March 18 – 22.
Voter Turnout Low in the United States – Why? – On a weekday – NOT a national holiday or on a weekend – Not much of a difference btwn. our political parties – Complicated voter registration (some countries don’t even require a voter reg.)
Voter registration Motor Voter Act – allowed you to register to vote when you apply for their driver’s license Was meant to increase registered voters
Electoral College Original purpose was to allow the political elite (not the American people) to choose the president Based on a winner-take-all system: 48 of the 50 states give all electoral votes to winner of popular vote in that state The E.C. over represents less populated states – Those states would never want to get rid of E.C.
Political Efficacy Belief that your vote or political participation makes a difference The greater your political efficacy, the more likely you are to vote
Types of Participation Initiative Petition: obtain signatures to put a measure on the ballot Referendum: voting on a approving or disapproving a piece of legislation or state constitutional amendment State-level reforms
Voting behaviors Younger people are more likely to vote for a third-party candidate Those more likely to vote: – Higher levels of education – Older Americans – Females – Married people – Gov’t employees