11/12 Focus 11/12 Focus – Athens is a Greek city state that emphasized education. They also are known for starting democracy. Do Now Do Now – Identify the type of government found in Sparta. – What form of government do we have in the United States?
Ancient Greece
Location Southeast Greece Peninsula of Attica
Government Athens was the first direct democracy in history Direct Democracy – rule by the people – Citizens vote directly on an issue
Government laws were proposed by the Council of 500 Laws voted on by the citizen’s assembly – Made up of eligible voters Adult males born in Athens Pnyx (from the Greek word meaning "tightly packed together") was the meeting place of the Athenian democratic assembly (Ekklesia)
Government Every adult male born in Athens became a citizen and would have a chance to be a member of the assembly. Expectations of citizens – Vote in elections – Serve in office if elected – Serve on juries – Serve in military during war
Education High value placed on education The purpose of education was to produce citizens trained in the arts, to prepare citizens for both peace and war. Boys from 6 to 14 went to schools Girls were not educated at school – learned to read and write at home.
Education Books were very expensive and rare – subjects were read out-loud – Students had to memorize everything.
Women Athenians believed women were inferior to men. – could not own property – had to help in the fields and were confined to their homes. – were to be under the protection of a male guardian at all times.
Social Classes Athens was made up of two classes – slaves – citizens
Athenian Achievements Focused on the individual rather than society – Wanted Athenians to question things and use philosophy Strong Navy Trade – wanted to make money and expand Travel-wanted people to experience other cultures
Closure What is Direct Democracy? What value did the Athenians place on education? How did Athenians view women?