Engineering Drawings MeEn 476 Department of Mechanical Engineering Brigham Young University
This week in class January peer reviews due Friday Career Fair Prep Wednesday Career Fair Thursday Monday’s class will be Integrity in Engineering and Technology Robust Design will move to Feb. 13
Today’s objectives How to make a great drawing Anatomy of a component drawing Anatomy of an assembly drawing Guidelines for checking drawings Assignment 2 is to check a drawing package.
How to make a great drawing Put yourself in the shoes of the outsider who will make your parts… Can I make this part from the drawing I made? Can my drawing be misinterpreted by someone else? Has the required Geometry, Material, and Processing been addressed? Does my work look good and professional?
How to make a great drawing Know what to include in the drawings Can I make this part from the drawing I made? Can my drawing be misinterpreted by someone else? Has the required Geometry, Material, and Processing been addressed? Does my work look good and professional? Know the anatomy of a drawing…
Palm Treo Dock u 1212
Anatomy of a Component Drawing Ask yourself… What level of detail is included in the drawings? Is this level of detail important? And Why? Do the drawings have more or less information than the solid model? u 1313
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1414
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1515 Standard Views of Orthogonal Projections
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1616 Auxiliary Views
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1717 Dimensions with Tolerances
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1818 Cross Section Views
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 1919 Detail Views
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 2020 Manufacturing Details
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 2121 Notes on Material, Processing, and other important information
Level of Detail in Notes u 2222
Detail in Reference Documents u 2323
Anatomy of a Component Drawing u 2424 Title Block
The Title Block Tolerances and Drawing Items Approvals Document Information Bill of Materials / Parts List
Anatomy of a Component Drawing Revision Block
Anatomy of a Component Drawing Statement of Confidentiality
Comments and Questions?
Assembly Drawings
BOM and Assembly Intent
Not all information contained in Solid Model
Quality and Manufacturing Notes
Reflection… Ask yourself… What level of detail is included in the drawings? Is this level of detail important? And Why? Do the drawings have more or less information than the solid model? Are these detailed drawings really needed?
Checking Drawings Format Check Have we properly applied the recommended format? Equivalent to word processing spell checking Design Check Have we executed the design intent properly? Equivalent to proofreading and editing a document
Format Check Title block -- is it completely filled out? Dimensioning -- are standard practices followed? Do we have tolerances and surface finishes specified? Notes -- are they complete Views -- do we have the proper number and kind?
Design Check Are the dimensions accurate? Do the dimensions make sense for the intended function? Are the surface finishes and tolerances appropriate for the part? Let tolerances be loose where they can be Can the design be simplified? Can the drawing be misinterpreted?
Exercise How many improvements can you identify on each of the drawings in your handout?