An invitation to everyone in the Church to celebrate and renew their faith. THE YEAR OF FAITH What is the year of Faith?
The Year of Faith Announced by Pope Benedict XVI THE YEAR OF FAITH When? 24 th November th October 2012 to Feast of Christ the King
Occasion? The 50 th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council THE YEAR OF FAITH 20 th Anniversary since the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Why the Year of Faith? To rediscover the journey of Faith THE YEAR OF FAITH To understand the joy that comes from meeting Jesus Christ
Purpose To give fresh impetus to the mission of the whole Church to lead human beings out of the wilderness in which they often find themselves to the place of life, friendship with Christ that gives us life in fullness. Pope Benedict XVI THE YEAR OF FAITH
What can I do? Think about how to celebrate this special year of grace…. THE YEAR OF FAITH At home … In church… At school… Everywhere…
Do something different….something for yourself…. THE YEAR OF FAITH Visit a holy place… Go on a pilgrimage Pray…. On your own and with others Read… Passage from the Bible Other spiritual books Join a group… e.g. Prayer Group, Youth Group What can I do?
Show your Faith in action by doing something good for others….BE A WITNESS THE YEAR OF FAITH Help out in church Join a choir, music group etc. Visit someone Start visiting an elderly person Help someone Help out more at home Help other people you meet Help a charity organisation Become a volunteer or raise some money What can I do?
Celebrate your Christian Catholic Faith Do something about it Be a witness