Classroom Management Discipline: Theory and Practice
Goal - Aims Goal: To enable you to teach more effectively! To introduce theoretical approaches to discipline in the classroom To exchange experiences in the classroom To discuss specific techniques
Reflection Describe an experience with a disruptive student What happened? What was the result? (try and remember for later)
What is ‘discipline’? Brainstorm a definition with your partner Discipline is the practice or methods of ensuring that people obey rules by teaching them to do so and punishing them if they do not (Encarta Dictionary: English UK).
Approach to ‘discipline’ Prevent Supportive Be proactive From Charles (2002)
Prevention Engage the students from the start Overplan Double the age minus 2
Supportive Clear body language (fingers) and eye contact Low profile intervention: reminding students of rules Private reprimand (face) Rapport with students and mutual respect
Be proactive Lay down expectations Start strict: ‘don’t smile till Christmas’ Be consistent Describe behaviours you want, not those you don’t. Praise for positive acts encourages proper behaviour.
Techniques Here’s Lize!
This thing called face… How to use it…
The in-your- face way
Lose it…
Get it…
The manager’s way
The team way, also called the wily way
Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
Rules of the game: If one team member misbehaves, the whole team loses a star. The whole team needs to pull together to get a star. Only if they have a star for every week, do they get a reward at the end of the month. Can also be played with individuals if your class is small enough. Works better with older kids.
Other solutions: Put up rules in classroom Send to classroom teacher / principal Reflect on what your own school experiences were and what worked for you and what didn’t
Dealing with discipline Think back to discipline situation you shared at the beginning of the session 5 things learnt from today to take into the classroom