Michal Szelezniak – LBL-IPHC meeting – May 2007 Prototype HFT readout system Telescope prototype based on three Mimostar2 chips
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Outline Motivation for the prototype telescope Realization of the telescope – System architecture – Hardware – Firmware Calibration results for MimoStar2 chips Test results with 1.5 GeV electrons – Full-frame readout – Normal readout mode (data after cluster-finder)
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Motivation for the telescope The telescope is a small prototype and contains all elements easily scalable to meet the requirements of the HFT test functionality of a prototype MIMOSTAR2 detector in the environment at STAR : Charged particle environment near the interaction region in STAR. The noise environment in the area in which we expect to put the final HFT. Performance of the MIMOSTAR2 sensors. Performance of our cluster finding algorithm. Performance of our hardware / firmware as a system. Functionality of our tested interfaces to the other STAR subsystems.
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Realization of the telescope STRATIX DAUGHTER CARD RORC SIU MimoStar2 chips on kapton cables MOTHER BOARD Acquisition Server (Linux) Control PC (Win)
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Realization of the telescope STRATIX DAUGHTER CARD RORC SIU MimoStar2 chips on kapton cables MOTHER BOARD Acquisition Server (Linux) Control PC (Win) (2) TCD trigger (0) Data acquisition (1) CDS, sorting, CF (4) Formatted Event (3) Building event (5) Transfer data for this event complex Hardware and Firmware development Continuous MimoStar2 readout
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Hardware – telescope head TELESCOPE HEAD Power, clk, sync, jtag analog 1 st pixel marker 3 MimoStar2 chips as TELESCOPE Kapton cable: 2 Cu layers Thickness 25μm (kapton only) DONE & UNDER TEST
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Hardware components I Mother board Trigger interface to TCD Latch up protection on all power supplies Remote FPGA programming Daughter Card 50 MHz 12bit ADCs with serial readout SRAM Accept and respond to triggers Data resorter (because sub-arrays of MimoStar2 are multiplexed) CDS Cluster finder Cluster FIFO Event builder DONE & WORKING Daughter card form the previous stage of development – in the future probably integrated into MB
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Hardware components II STRATIX development board DDL control interface JTAG config for MimoStar2 ALICE DDL-RORC system Optic fiber link to the remote DAQ PC Half duplex connection Part of the DAQ1000 Upgrade DONE & WORKING
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Firmware – overview scalable DONE & WORKING
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Firmware - Cluster Finder 320 pixels deep shift register DONE & WORKING on line cluster finding will allow to reduce data flow at HFT by about three orders of magnitude
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Firmware – Event builder DATA FORMAT header includes: 4 byte start tag 12 bit Token (from TCD) Mimostar position on ladder Each Trigger enables an empty Event FIFO for 1 frame (204,800 clocks = 4ms) with an offset to the enable that aligns the event start time with the location of the first pixel in the event. Each event FIFO is a separate trigger event stream and can be enabled independently. This allows events to be triggered at ~1 ms intervals with our 4 ms latency. Each sector event FIFO is emptied by the SIU at the end of it’s triggered frame. DONE & WORKING
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Test STAR
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May East Pole Tip installation H. Wieman
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Current status and future plans Firmware: Testing interface JTAG Full frame RDO (CDS) DDL – RORC Cluster finder, cluster FIFO Full functionality interface Infrastructure 55 Fe calibrations Analysis and evaluation Gain adjustment ALS (1.2 GeV electrons) Tests, evaluation, tuning BNL Tests outside and inside the magnet Software: lab tests – 55 Fe calibrations Complete system control Hardware: Mother board Daughter card Stratix card DDL 3 MimoStar2 telescope DONE & WORKING DONE & WORKING
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Telescope Calibration Results Fe 55 calibrations after assembling the telescope head setupsub arrayPeak [ADC]Noise [ADC] (no markers) ENC [e - ] Chip 4Std Rad Chip 5Std Rad Chip 6Std Rad
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May ALS (no markers) ENC 33.9 e-ENC 37.5 e- ENC 34.6 e-ENC 39.1 e- ENC 33.5 e- ENC 37.9 e-
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May beam DESY 2006
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Full-frame readout (complete array 12b/pixel) C1 > 40 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 30 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 25 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 25 ADC C2 > 0 ADC C1 > 10 ADC C2 > 0 ADC C1 > 20 ADC C2 > 14 ADC STD diodeexpected MPV 46 ADCmeasured MPV 49 ADC
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Full-frame readout (complete array 12b/pixel) C1 > 40 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 30 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 25 ADC C2 > 14 ADC C1 > 25 ADC C2 > 0 ADC C1 > 10 ADC C2 > 0 ADC C1 > 20 ADC C2 > 14 ADC RADTOL diodeexpected MPV 40 ADCmeasured MPV 43 ADC
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Hit correlations
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Hit correlations
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Simple tracking results
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Simple tracking results
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Simple tracking results
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Simple tracking results
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May BNL Tests outside of magnet – Noise at the same level as in ALS
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Conclusions Next step: install telescope head in the STAR magnet We’re all set and waiting for the data taken in the STAR environment The end
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Backup slides Event data format Data rate reduction in the system
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Firmware – overview scalable Another schematic will go here
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Proposed event data format per data stream from MimoStar output Fixed Length Header (64 bytes) Byte 1-4 AAAAAAAA tag for beginning of event bit control shell command, 5 bit argument 7-8 Trig command bit0-3, DAQ command bit 0-3 (from TCD) bit Token (from TCD) snapshot of FE/NIOS commands and status bits Mimostar position on ladder, ladder address reserved (for future use, possible comment space?) All set to 0 unless specified The termination word is the one used for the RORC/SIU and consists of EEEEEEEE. In the data taking in STAR, we will deliver events on a ladder/MB basis where the data has the form (per ladder)
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Data Rates (As in 2006) 100 hits/cm 2 Inner Layer, 20 hits/cm 2 Outer Layer (L = ) Average event size = 90 KB Event size = 90 MB/sec at 1KHz 24 fibers 12 RORC (4 readout PCs)
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May SOFTWARE Lab tests: Readout mode (raw/cds data, event based readout) Raw data analysis (offline noise calculation and cluster finding for calibrations with Fe55 Full system: Remote control (readout mode, status monitoring) Noise calculations for finding a hot pixel map Online monitoring (hits display, simple track association) Integration with STAR DAQ DONE & WORKING Under development
Michal Szelezniak - LBL-IPHC meeting May Lab verification Fe55 calibrations The noise doesn’t come from the DAQ system (~1 ADC) setupsub arrayPeak [ADC]Noise [ADC]ENC [e - ] IPHC (40°C) Std Rad Mezz. fullStd Rad Mezz. partStd Rad Flex 1Std Rad Flex 2aStd Rad Flex 2bStd Rad IPHC – results from Strasbourg Mezz. Full – chip bonded on a mezzanine card Mezz. Part – chip bonded on a mezzanine card with part of the bonds (like for a flex cable) Flex1 – only on flex cable in the hft system Flex2 – two chips in parallel in the hft system