Department of Physics and Astronomy Rice University From the Omega facility to the Hubble Space Telescope: Experiments and Observations of Supersonic Fluid Dynamics in Stellar Jets and Star Forming Regions Patrick Hartigan LANL June 22, 2011
Omega Team Experimental J. Foster (AWE) B. Blue (GA) F. Hansen (GA) Target Fabrication by General Atomics Numerical B. Wilde (LANL) M. Douglas (LANL) A. Frank (Rochester) P. Rosen (AWE) R. Coker (NASA/LANL) R. Williams (AWE) K. Yirak (Rochester/LANL) R. Carver (Rice/LSU) J. Palmer (Rice) Observational Hartigan (Rice) NASA HST/DOE NLUF 2/34
1. Overview of Stellar Jets 2. Experiments at Omega Talk Outline Deflected Jets Shock Waves and Clumps Intersecting Shocks 3. Fluid Dynamics from HST Movies 3/34 4. Radiation Hydrodynamics in Star Formation
1. Overview of Stellar Jets 4/34
Burrows et al 1996 Reipurth et al /34
Emission Lines give Doppler velocities, line ratios give temperature and density Layer of Collisionally-excited shock Radiative Shock: One that cools by emitting photons that escape Entire Cooling Zone is optically thin to optical and IR photons 6/34
Reipurth & Heathcote1992 A&A 257, 693 [SII] - H Hartigan 1989 ApJ 339, 987 Bow Shock/Mach Disk Structures Heathcote etal 1996 Reipurth NTT Image HH 47 7/34
Internal Shock Velocities ~ 40 km/s Bulk Flow Velocities 300 km/s 8/34
Hartigan and Morse 2007 ApJ 660, 426 9/34
Jet Collimation 11/34
What would we like to know? Anything about the magnetic field Connection between accretion and outflow Geometry of shock waves within the jet on small scales Feedback of the jets on their environments (entrainment, energy deposition, cloud destruction...) Effect of the environment on the jet (irradiation, deflection...) 12/34
II. Clumpy Working Surfaces (analysis); III. Mach Stems (ongoing) Experiments on Omega I. Deflected Jets Hartigan et al ApJ 705, New IR Images New High Resolution Spectra New HST Images (3rd epoch!) Globule/Pillar Imaging 13/34
Deflected Jets: Project Strategy Observations Numerical Simulations Experiments Design a scaled experiment Decide which aspects are useful Test numerical codes What really happens? Essential for successful experimental design Use to step experiments in time to understand how the fluid dynamics produces structures we see in experiments Once we know the simulations match the observations, use them to generate radial velocity maps (spectra) to compare with observations Dynamics within deflected jets: high- resolution spectroscopic maps Entrainment: new infrared maps of molecular hydrogen 14/34
Deflected Jets: Experimental Design 15/34
Deflected Jets: Numerical Simulations 16/34
Experimental Results 17/34
Experimental Results 18/34
Fourier Analysis DATA (4 regions) EXPERIMENT Green Region (Data + 3 sims) Red Region (Data + 3 sims) 19/34
SCALING Euler fluid eqns (mass, momentum energy) can be scaled (Ryutov et al 1999) r = ar’ = b ’ P = cP’ t = a(sqrt(b/c)) t’ a~5x10 16 b~2x c~3x ns = 100yr Jet: E exp ~6, E jet ~20 Bow: Mach numbers in both ~ 100 Shock into Ball: Mach numbers in both ~100 Jet/Ambient Density ratio in exp is Thermal diffusion, viscosity, radiative fluxes unimportant Limitations Jets are non-polytropic (cooling) Jets have magnetic fields 20/34
Relevance of Experiment Jet: Not relevant - magnetic aspect, no velocity variability, intrinsic shape are all wrong; velocities a bit low Entrainment: Relevant - complex time-dependent, 3D structures; understanding of effect of impact parameter Deflected Bow: Relevant - development of 3D structure within a working surface; understand orientation effects 21/34
Case Study: HH 110 Supersonic Wake from Deflected Jet Reipurth, Raga & Heathcote 1996 Riera et al /34
Longslit Spectroscopic Observations of the Deflected Jet HH /34
The Spectra Resolve Thermal and Nonthermal Line Broadening 25/34
Dynamics along deflected jet 26/34
Density in planes at z = 0, 0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 cm 27/34
18 28/34
What Do We Learn About Stellar Jets From These Experiments? Single working surface can develop filamentary structure, but the velocity signatures are subsonic. Structure in HH 110 is supersonic, implying velocity perturbations at source Be very aware of orientation Entrainment can happen (3D) by a jet digging out a piece of an obstacle, accelerating it `gently’ as a clump Shell structures in working surfaces produce arcs in position- velocity diagrams 29/34
Clumpy Jets: Experiments in Progress HH 2 HH 1 30/34
Two Balls: Vorticity Deposition 31/34
Multiball (Douglas et al. in preparation) Compare Shock Propagation Clumpy/Uniform Different Packing Fractions Mixtures of Large and Small Balls Images at Various Times Dual Axis Use Simulations to Understand Internal Velocity Structure 32/34
Intersecting Shocks: New Effort HH 34 33/34
Mach Stems 34/34 Foster et al Shock-reflecting cone embedded in foam
New Observations: Globule & Pillar Destruction 1/5