CANADA–HONDURAS Official link now completed Honduras now supporting Nicaragua (work on the restarting of Guiding) Dominican Republic (work on training at national level) Mexico (invitation to visit Honduras and see how they work in the rural areas) Panama (work with funding proposals)
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES – ARUBA Working together as they have the same language Joint work on Programme update Trainings
BRAZIL – MEXICO Brazil has offered to send a member of their staff to work with them on Girl Guiding in rural areas and on IT.
Dominica – St Lucia Planning a joint camp in 2006
Successful UPS Project development expanding into rural communities and school system Opened groups in children’s homes & marginal communities Agreement with National Network of Rural Women Agreement with Ministry of Education to open school groups Meeting membership target for 2005 MEXICO
Submitted project proposal for Jan 07 Topics to be Nutrition (hunger) Education (poverty) Membership BRAZIL
Working on revision of Constitution (Terms of reference) Updating training Caribbean Link Trainers of trainers Conference in 2006 Working on Caribbean web site CARIBBEAN LINK
RESULTS - RESULTADOS Increase membership meeting their Membership target are: Aruba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Argentina Increase in membership, but without meeting their membership target: Colombia, Dominica, Panama, St. Vincent, Suriname
PANAMA 1 st prize by the Youth Projects national competition for their project on HIV/AIDS. Judges included the Minister for Social Development (pictured below) and a UN Representative.
HONDURAS Received substantial funding from the World Bank for their project on preventing violence against women “A smile without violence”
AWARDS - PREMIOS Premio Olave: Brasil WAGGGS Bronze Medal: –Doris Reihms (USA) –Judy Waters (Canada) –Roxanne Yates (USA) New OB-PS members: –19 in Brazil –9 in USA
YOUTH EVENTS Forum for the future III, Brazil, th Latino Conference, GSUSA, 2005 WH Regional Youth Gathering being prepared with Our Cabaña for January 2007
REPRESENTATION - REPRESENTACION Young woman elected to the World Board Latin-American Youth Forum (FLAJ) Gathering represented by 3 young women from our region, Spain 2005
Restarting Girl Guiding with great success, but in need of support. Reached membership target of 500 in 18 months Support given by WH to hire a promoter Working on proposal for Ministry of Education. NICARAGUA
St. Lucia In the process of finalizing plans with the National Television Company for the recording of an advertisement on the benefits of the Guiding principles as it relates to crime prevention.