Strategy & Work Programme the UN Special Rapporteur on Disability Hissa Al Thani
Strategic Plan Started with the formulation of a vision From which a mission was derived And an action plan encompassing the responsibilities of the mandate set out by the Standard Rules
Vision that Guides the Work A world free of all forms of discrimination, obstacles and barriers; which enables its members to fully realize their potentials. A world that allows all its member to participate equally in the enjoyment of its resources and to contribute to its advancement
Mission To promote and monitor the implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities, and to advance the status of persons with disabilities throughout the world.
Functions of the Office Monitoring Advocacy Awareness Raising Networking & Exchange Inter-regional Cooperation ( Regional Consultations & Country Visits) Surveys and Research
Objectives To promote the implementation of the Standard Rules world wide Focusing on developing countries where over 80% of persons with disabilities live To further the effective implementation of the Standard Rules In countries where they are already being implemented to a certain degree
Objectives To help states in assessing their level of implementation of the Standard Rules To assist states in measuring their progress in the implementation To assist states in overcoming barriers to implementation
Objectives To provide advisory services to states and organizations working in the field. To facilitate the exchange of information and experiences between and among states and organizations of peoples with disabilities
Objectives To involve the Panel of Experts in reviewing, advising and providing feedback on the best way to promote, implement and monitor the rules To coordinate the efforts and resources of international, regional, governmental and non-governmental organizations, channel them toward the implementation of the Standard Rules.
Taking into consideration throughout this process: –the economic, social and cultural features and characteristics of each individual state
Activities Survey –A Global Survey on Government Actions on the Implementation of the Standard Rules –Sent to 191 UN Member States –Returns from 112 countries –Results currently being analyzed –Initial findings to be reported in February 2006 to the Commission for Social Development Monitoring
47 questions Two questions on each one of the Standard Rules Inspired by Agenda 22 Inquired about Policies Legislations Programmes Budget allocations Accessibility Awareness raising Training of personnel Involvement of DPOs –For each one of the Rules
Activities In-house Research –Producing a “disability” country profiles on each of the Member States Research collaboration –Developing indicators & generating data on inclusion in education with UNESCO –Cooperating with ILO/Gladnet on research, indicators, data on employment
Activities Regional Consultations & Country Visits Activities –Country visits: 24 countries per year; 4/region Government officials DPOs Media –Initiate dialogue between DPOs & government; e.g. Guatemala –Encourage government to take on leadership roles on implementation in their region; e.g. Lebanon
–Provide encouragement, make networking connections, provide a space for DPOs to discuss difficulties, challenges, needs; e.g. Guinea –Provide ideas & initiate government actions on equalization of opportunities; e.g. Tunisia (Tourism) –Explore best practices and innovations to transfer knowledge and experiences; e.g. Mexico (family involvement)
Some countries visited Latin America –Mexico (October 2004) –Guatemala (October 2004) –Panama (January 2006) North Africa –Morocco (June 2005) –Tunisia (June 2005) West Africa –Guinea (June 2005)
Europe –Germany (November 2004) –Sweden (September 2005) –Finland (September 2005) Southern Africa –South Africa (November 2005) –Tanzania (November 2005) Middle East –Egypt (April 2004) –Lebanon (August 2004) –Saudi Arabia (April 2005) –UAE (May 2005) –Syria (September 2005) –Bahrain (November 2005) Asia –India (September 2005) –China (May 2006)
Activities Inter-regional Cooperation Legislating the equalization of opportunities –14 symposia ( ) for Arab MPs –Involvement of the Council of Europe, Parliamentarians from Africa, Asia, Latin America…etc. –Amman, “Overview” (March 2005), –Beirut “Education & Employment” (December 2005), –Yemen “Accessibility” (March 2006), –Tunisia Family Life (March 2006) –Conducting study & exchange visits by Parliamentarians
Activities Advocacy –Injecting disability issues onto human rights & development agenda on every possible occasion Meeting with international/regional development organizations (Guatemala, Guinea) Lobbying for and succeeding in the inclusion of disability in the final document of the MDG Summit that took place in September 15, 2005
Launching Initiatives Aimed at: –Addressing global needs (World Bank Initiative) –Responding to special situations (Support for the Arab Decade) –Mainstreaming disability on the international agenda (MDG Summit) –Raising awareness among international development agencies (Survey & holding meetings with them)
In addition: The constant need to raise funds for all these activities
Funding Situation Office is not funded by the United Nations Funding comes from Voluntary Fund for Disability Funding so far has only trickled in & from non-traditional funders in developing countries Noticeable lack of funding from traditional funding countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway) Issue discussed with SIDA & Social Affairs Ministry with positive responses