Comments to ILO on FOA (C.87) GROUP MEMBERS –Tau (Samoa) –Bhuvana (India) –Choudhry (Pakistan) –Sultan (Bangladesh)
Comments to ILO on FOA (C.87) The Committee of Experts Application of conventions and recommendations, ILO Office, Geneva. The trade unions of India, Pakistan,Bangladesh and Samoa like to comment on their respective governments regarding violation of C.87
comment to ILO on FOA (C.87) India The public sector workers were under strike in demand for high wages and other allowances for nearly a month. The state govt. dismissed all the workers (1,50,000). The supreme court did not object it. With the consent of the workers that they would withdraw from the strike, the dismissal order was taken back. The Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), likes to file a comment on the government of India which banned the workers’ strike.
comment to ILO on FOA (C.87) The trade union (INTUC) when it tries to organise the contract workers, working in the ACC Cement company, Madukkarai,Coimbatore, India, the contractor dismisses them. The INTUC likes to file a comment on the Govt. of India which has changed the provisions of the Trade Union Act 1926 – “For the purpose of registration of a union, it must have minimum membership of one hundred or 10% of the workmen employed in the establishment or the industry whichever is less”
comment to ILO on FOA (C.87) Pakistan The Post Office workers try to arrange a strike on wage increase, but the Govt. banned to do so. All Pakistan Federation of Labour (APFOL) likes to comment on the Government of Pakistan for excluding Postal Workers to go on strike (Exclusion Section 1(4))and a requisition is made to make amendments in the National Law
comment to ILO on FOA (C.87) Bangladesh In the garment industry, the employers can terminate the workers, if they try to organise, at all levels at any time. The Jatio Sramik League likes to comment on the Government of Bangladesh for not implementing the ratified convention on FOA (C.87)
comment to ILO on FOA (C.87) Samoa The majority of Workers at the enterprise level are not organised. Hence, the trade unions in the private sector likes to comment on the Government of Samoa for not ratifying convention 87.