Hey Bill -- Coach K said our uniforms Coach K said our uniforms were cleaner than theirs, thanks to you and VIZIR. Thanks, man! VIZIR: It works harder when you work harder. VIZIR and the 1998 NCAA Tournament
I have NO PROBLEM taking a sack … VIZIR I’ll just use VIZIR after the game.
Mr. Clean… OK, I’m out of Vizir. So, I’ve got to keep these sweaty Vols off my clean Vols off my cleanuniform.
PROCTER & GAMBLE: Vizir as First Euro-brand?
P&G Multidomestic Strategy UK Germany France Italy Neth.
P&G Vizir: Is this a global industry? F Market Drivers F Cost Drivers F Competitive Drivers F Government Drivers F Other factors??
International Strategy: Managing Dual Pressures Pressures for Global Efficiency Pressures for Local Responsiveness High Low High Low
Product Characteristics Map High Washing Temp Fabric Softener Bleach Additives Enzymatic Stain Removers
Product Characteristics Map High Washing Temp Fabric Softener Bleach Additives Enzymatic Stain Removers Italy Spain Italy Excluded countries
P&G “TransEuro” Strategy UK Germany France Italy Neth. Spain Zone 1 Zone 2
Epilogue F 1981: Vizir launched in Germany ONLY –Natl. subsidiaries resisted pressure from HQ –Henkel launched its own HDL next day!! F 1982: Vizir launched in Austria, Switz, France, Belgium, Neth. –UK, Italy, and Spain > No Vizir; Not forced to adopt products –Timing was critical, to preempt Henkel –Invested to increase capacity
Epilogue F VIZIR was precursor to “Liquid Tide” in US –Great irony is: P&G’s struggle to develop “Euro-brand” first found success in another large, integrated market…the U.S. –The VIZIR experience facilitated learning/cross-fertilization w/in P&G worldwide –Developed “world-class” technology and product development capabilities worldwide