Dementia Wellbeing Service
Bristol Dementia Partnership
Our Vision Dementia is everyone’s business. Our Core Principles: 1.An integrated service responding to individual need 2.Wellbeing – the person lives well with dementia 3.Delivering the right service at the right time
“Help us to do what we want to do for as long as possible” What people in Bristol told us:
What will be different: Dementia Navigators will support GP’s and Practice Nurses across the City (clusters) Staff who work closely with GPs to provide early assessment of dementia and coordinated support A service that responds to the needs of the person and their families at the time they want support and diagnosis A service that supports the person for their lifetime following diagnosis People will have a wellbeing plan Single Point of Access for information and advice for all
Who: Staff who are proactive, positive and committed to making a difference Staff with a range of expertise including doctor’s, nurses, OT’s and those with a range of life experiences GPs People using the service and their carers (Peer Support) Other providers who link with the partnership to provide joined up services
Outline of Service: Dementia Navigators (24) and Dementia Liaison Coordinators (19) aligned to specific GP practices but managed from 3 hubs across the city (North, South and Central/East) where they will form MDTs alongside care home coordinators, psychiatrists, psychologists and a number of other posts. Navigator: – Well-being planning – Point of contact for life – Community Liaison Dementia Liaison Coordinator – Aiding GPs with diagnosis – Managing Complex Cases
Single Point of Access North Hub Central/East Hub South Hub
Diagnosis & Wellbeing Plan Dementia Navigator Dementia Liaison Coordinator Psychiatrist/Other Professionals
Memory Clinic Joint Diagnosis GP Diagnosis Diagnosis:
Diagnosis Wellbeing Planning Assessment Navigation Development of Community Resource Fulfilling Potential Wellbeing BPSD Crisis Services End of Life Care Complex Care