Hear Our Voice About 700,000 people in England are estimated to have dementia, many undiagnosed. Perhaps one in three people aged over 65 will develop dementia before they die.
Hear Our Voice Almost 500,000 unpaid carers look after people living with dementia
Hear Our Voice The NHS is making a national effort to increase the proportion of people with dementia who are able to get a formal diagnosis from under half, to two thirds of people affected or more
Hear Our Voice Early diagnosis can prevent crises, while treatments are available that may slow progression of the disease.
Hear Our Voice For those that are diagnosed with dementia, the NHS’ ambition over the next five years is to offer a consistent standard of support for patients newly diagnosed with dementia, supported by named clinicians or advisors, with proper care plans developed in partnership with patients and families; and the option of personal budgets, so that resources can be used in a way that works best for individual patients.
Hear Our Voice Looking further ahead, the government has committed new funding to promote dementia research and treatment.
Hear Our Voice But the dementia challenge calls for a broader coalition, drawing together statutory services, communities and businesses. For example, Dementia Friendly Communities - currently being developed by the Alzheimer’s Society - illustrate how, with support, people with dementia can continue to participate in the life of their community.
Hear Our Voice These initiatives will have our full support - as will local dementia champions, participating businesses and other organisations. NHS England
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