You’re watching Today is Feb. 4, 2011
ECHS celebrates Black History Month Feb. 2011
Lunch Menu Mon – pizza/turkey&chz sub Tue – beef&chz nachos/ckn fajitas Wed – hot dog/chzy bread sticks Thu – turkey & dressing Fri – fish sticks/BBQ on bun
Breakfast Menu Mon – cereal and toast Tue – steak biscuit Wed – ham/eggs/toast Thu – french toast/sausage Fri – ckn biscuit
Word of the Day –effluvium –\ ih-FLOO-vee-uhm \, noun; –1. A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable
Graduation Test Review Sessions! Social Studies – room 206 Feb. 7, 14, 28. Mar. 7, 14, 21 Science - 2/8 in 908; 2/15 in 410; 2/22 in 902; 3/1 in 402; 3/8 in 401; 3/22 in 408 Announcements
Graduation Test Review Sessions! Lang. Arts – room 102 Feb. 9, 16, 23. Mar. 2, 9, 23 Math – room 404 Feb. 10, 17, 24. Mar. 3, 10, 24 Announcements
Graduation Test Review Sessions! One last review: 3/28 – Science, room :30-4:30 3/29 – Math, room :30-4:30 3/30 – SS, room :30-4:30 Announcements
Interested in working in the school store? Sign up for Entrepreneurial Ventures class. Learn how to open your own business. It looks good on your resume! See Mrs. Palis in room 305. Announcements
ECHS home bball game! Feb. 4 vs. Evans High Girls at 6 Boys at 7:30 Announcements
ECHS tennis practice is cancelled for Feb. 4. Announcements
Ladies: senior shirts are on sale for $14! See Mrs. Duff or Kelley Neidlinger to order. Deadline is Feb. 11. Announcements
Beta club won’t be selling hearts on 2/4. If you are staying after school to display hearts, go to room 402 as soon as school is over. Announcements
Compass Exam will be given on Feb. 24 at 4:30 in the media center. Sign up with Mrs. Harrelson in the counselors’ office by Feb. 16. Announcements
Happy belated birthday to Felicia Millering! Announcements
FCS/FCA meeting Feb. 10 Cafeteria Former Shorter College football standout Logan Lollis is our speaker. 6:30-8:00 Free pizza and great music! Announcements
FBLA region winners: pay your $70 registration fee to Mrs. Waltz by Feb. 4 if you plan to go to the State Leadership Conf in March. There is an additional cost for hotel rooms. Announcements
Did you forget about Valentine’s Day? Come to the school store for jewelry and candy grams. Announcements
FBLA members: continue to sell your candy. Didn’t pick any up? See Mrs. Waltz today. Announcements
FBLA members going to ECMS on 2/11 should sign up with Mrs. Waltz. Announcements
If you ordered a Beta Club t- shirt, they are in! Pick it up in room 402. Announcements
Any girls interested in trying out for volleyball: sign up with Mrs. Roddenberry in room 917. Announcements
February Special! Junior dues are $50! This special is good ONLY until Feb. 28! Mar. 1 dues will be $80. Announcements
FCCLA is collecting money for the Souper Bowl of Caring. All proceeds go to Manna House. Announcements
Greenhand Jamboree and Success conference deposits are due Feb. 4 to Ms. Satterfield. Announcements
The girls of class 2011 have shirts for sale until Feb 15 in Mrs. Arrington's classroom. They are pink with giraffe print writing. The shirts are $15 each and you must pay when you sign up. The girls of class 2011 have shirts for sale until Feb 15 in Mrs. Arrington's classroom. They are pink with giraffe print writing. The shirts are $15 each and you must pay when you sign up. Announcements
Anyone who has taken business essentials and is interested in a career in finance don't forget to sign up for banking and investing and risk management and insurance during registration. Please see Ms. Pierce for more information. Announcements
French club no longer sells coffee and bagels on Tue & Thu. Thanks for your past support! Watch for crepes every three weeks. Announcements
French club meeting Feb. 8 3:30-5 Room 112 Announcements
9 th & 10 th graders: if you took French, signed up for it, etc., see Mr. Carnes about going to France in May Announcements
Effingham Women in Business Scholarship: due 4/1 See the counselors’ website for details. Announcements
Beta club members: Stop by room 402 to sign up to sell hearts for Cystic Fibrosis. Hearts will be sold Feb st period who buys the most wins breakfast! Announcements
GradBash second payment is due on Feb. 1. Pay $50 online at or see Mrs. Beard in room 215. Announcements
FBLA week is Feb. 6-12! Help us celebrate this special week! Listen for announcements each day. Announcements
HOSA Military Ball 2/5Cafeteria 6-9 p.m. Singles - $7 Couples $10 Announcements
Apply to College Week at ECHS! Stop by the media center and sign up for an appt for help with applying, getting financial aid, etc. Announcements
Check out and apply by 2/11. You could go to CNN in Atlanta and discuss world issues! Announcements
Journalism conference at the Newseum in July! Apply online at Deadline is Feb Announcements
Yearbook & Newspaper meet every Monday in room 816 until 4:30. Stop by and help us finish the book & paper! Announcements
Seniors in Beta Club: need a few more points? See Mrs. Hill in room 216. Announcements
Do you leave during the day and go to the Career Academy? GET YOUR TAG from Mrs. Zipperer and park in the designated location. Announcements
Letterman jackets! NEFF rep here for measurements Feb. 8 Announcements
Miss ECHS Pageant 3/26 Info packets in front office. Due back on 3/4. See Mrs. Ward in room 905 Announcements
In addition to the regular math tutoring after school Monday - Thursday, math tutoring will also be going on from 7:30 to 8:15 every day in room 919. Announcements
Credit Recovery meets every day. Times are: 7:30-8:15 - room 101 daily including Friday. 3:30-5:30 - room 101 daily excluding Friday. Announcements
Join us for Breakfast at the Rebel Country Store! Regular coffee, hazelnut cream coffee, sandwiches, muffins, hot chocolate, danishes, Special K bars, and more! Stop by. Announcements
Mrs. Neurath’s HSN students from Fall Semester: stop by and get CPR certification cards. Announcements
All students must have a lunch card or number. Otherwise, move to the back of the line. If you don’t, you will stand and wait until the end. Announcements
Sign up for a new Pathway! Join Broadcast Video Production in ! Mark it on your registration form! Got BVP? Announcements
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details. Announcements
Writing test tutoring Room 905 Mon & Tue 3:45-4:30 Announcements
Owe money on your yearbook or ad? Keep making payments. Pay it off by April 1. Announcements
Student suggestion box In the cafeteria. Share ideas. Student Council will consider all suggestions at their meetings. Announcements
Visit the Rebel Country Store! Hours: 7:50-8:20; all four lunches; 3:30-4. Variety of Rebel apparel, hand bags, jewelry, etc. Announcements
Buy pictures from this school year! Announcements
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings): Announcements Announcements Follow us on