Entities“something about which an e.g. organisation keeps data” customer Attributes“the properties of an entity”e.g. address Relationships“the connections e.g. between entities” customer places order
Entities An entity may be physical: an employee, a part, a machine Or conceptual: a project, an order, a course A particular employee is an “entity occurrence” of the employee entity
Attributes An EMPLOYEE has:A PROJECT has: an agea project leader a salarya start date an addressa cost
Relationships Relationships link entities: An employee works on a project A part is made on a machine and appears on an order An employee attends a course
Describing Entities and Relationships Factory Entity (Master) Relationship (1:many) “makes” Entity (Detail) Component
Relationships and Entities Factory Component Given a factory we can tell which components it makes Given a component we can tell which factory makes it
One to Many Relationships A B For any occurrence of A there may be 0,1 or many occurrences of B
One to One Relationships Factory Manager Factory Usually one entity should be an attribute of the other Sometimes the diagram requires one-to- one
Many to Many Relationships componentorder One component appears on Many orders One order Is for Many components
A database to track motorbike maintenance. In the databases described by the following 2 LDS's, a player's performance in matches is recorded, from slightly different perspectives.
Exercise: Data Modelling 1. A customer purchasing a lot of order from the salesperson 2. Two accountants preparing the sales reports to the senior managers 3. A credit card holder have the following personal information: name, address, age 4. A school had a lot of departments such as IT, Accounting, Math's, etc. Each department is consists of 6 lecturers. Each lecturer handles maximum of two classes in one day. Each class could only accommodate maximum of 40 students.
Exercise :DFD Travel Agency A travel agency arranges holidays for customers. Bookings are made directly by customers. When a customer makes an approach, the reservations clerk selects appropriate flight details and hotel details from lists which are regularly updated. The details are entered onto a Provisional Booking file. The customer must confirm this booking within three days by sending a deposit of 10% of the costs. On receipt of the deposit, Reservations transfer the details from the Provisional Bookings file to the Full Bookings file. Four weeks before the flight is due, Accounts send an invoice to the customer for the remaining costs. Accounts notify Customer services when the full payment is received, and Customer Services then send tickets and joining instructions to the customer.
Counts the number of times words occur in a file
Flowchart Exercises If student's grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print "passed“ else Print "failed“ Create a flowchart for Adding two numbers Create a flowchart for inputting your employee’s name. If the first letter starts from A to J then display “ First Category”, if K to T then display “ Second Category” otherwise display Third Category Set the counter to 0. If the counter is more than 10 then customer receives free value meal otherwise no free value meal.
Flowchart Exercise Set total to zero Set grade counter to one While grade counter is less than or equal to ten Input the next grade Add the grade into the total Set the class average to the total divided by ten Print the class average.