Revising the Recommended Practices: Process and Outcomes OSEP Project Directors’ Conference July, 15-17, 2013 Rashida Banerjee, Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO Mary McLean, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
What is DEC? The Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Membership Organization Birth through 8 years Young children with disabilities and other special needs Promotes policies and advances evidence- based practices
Use of Current Practices How many of you are aware of the current set of Recommended Practices? How do you currently use the RPs in your work?
The current Recommended Practices The RPs were developed in 2005 to provide guidance on practices related to better outcomes for young children with disabilities, their families, and the personnel who serve them. 240 Recommended Practices 5 Direct Service Strands 2 Indirect Support Strands
Identifying the current version of Recommended Practices Experience & Professional Wisdom Research- Based Practices Field Validation
Updating the Recommended Practices As the field continues to evolve and new research emerges it is important that the RPs are revisited and revised to remain current and relevant. Starting in 2012, DEC created a Recommended Practices Commission which was tasked with updating and revising the Recommended Practices. The Commission is charged with ensuring that the updated DEC Recommended Practices achieve the goal of informing and improving the quality of services provided to young children with disabilities and their families.
DEC RP Commission Members
Topic Workgroups Currently seven topic areas Assessment for Eligibility and Screening Environmental Features Family Practices Interactional Practices Instructional Practices Teaming and Collaboration Transition For each topic workgroup, there is a topic lead(s) and 2-4 additional members. Topic workgroup tasks: Identify and submit research-based practices in your topic area Provide supporting research citations for those practices
Current phase of work Identifying research-based practices and supporting evidence Validating the evidence base for these practices Next phases will to identify the values/experience based practices with input from stakeholders Practice: Strength of Evidence Age Range0123 B B-5
Format for the NEW DEC-RP Overall smaller number of practices Practitioner and support practices Provision of evidence base 10
We want your input! What comments or questions do you have about the process for updating the DEC Recommended Practices?
Thank You Any other Questions?? Rashida Banerjee, Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado Mary McLean, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee