F AST F ACTS A BOUT F RANCE Capital: Paris Population: 59.8 million Ethnic Groups: French, North African, German, Breton, Basque Religions: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim Government: Republic Currency: Euro Leading Exports: machinery and transportation,equipment, aircraft, plastics, chemicals, iron and steel, beverages. Languages: French (official), Provencal, German, Breton, Catalan, Basque.
O BJECTIVES Find out why the French take pride in their traditional culture. Learn about growing cultural diversity in France.
K EY T ERM Philosophy - a system of ideas and beliefs. Rousseu, Diderot, Voltaire Philosophy - a system of ideas and beliefs. Rousseu, Diderot, Voltaire
F RENCH L ANGUAGE The French Academy wants to hold onto the French language!! This is one example of how the French want to preserve their language. Yes … NoOui Yes, please/No thank you Oui, s'il vous plaît Please… S'il vous plaîtseel voo play Thank you…. Merci French AcademyFrench Language
P HILOSOPHIES : 2 P HILOSOPHERS T HAT INFLUENCED OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION Baron de Montesquieu : French philosopher that believed that government should be divided into 3 branches. Jean-Jaque Rousseau : French philosopher that developed the idea that no laws are binding unless people have agreed to them.
ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE ARTS French painters: Delacroix and Monet Do you know who painted which painting?
A CHIEVEMENTS IN THE ARTS Claude Debussy- composed music in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
A CHIEVEMENTS IN THE A RTS Alexandre Dumas- wrote novels in the 1800s. Many of his novels were turned into movies.
I NNOVATIVE A RCHITECTURE Cathedral of Notre Dame: example of the stunning medieval gothic cathedral.
I NNOVATIVE A RCHITECTURE The Louvre: National museum.
I NNOVATIVE A RCHITECTURE The Eiffel Tower: was built in 1889 to celebrate the French Revolution. It was the tallest structure in the world until 1930.
I NNOVATIVE A RCHITECTURE The Arc de Triomphe: Napoleon commissioned this famous building in honor of the French Army; it is known as the L'Etoile by the local Parisians and is a patriotic symbol of the military history of France.
F RENCH S TYLES AND F OOD Christian Dior: famous French designer in 1940s. Marie-Antoine Careme: famous pastry chef.
D IVERSITY IN F RANCE Between France welcomed 7 million immigrants from European countries such as Poland, Italy, Spain, and Belgium. These groups adapted easily to the French culture. Following WWII, France had a shortage of workers. The French gov. encouraged immigration to France. By 1950, many of the immigrants were Algerian. These immigrants took jobs that French employers found hard to fill. This seemed like a good thing at first, but…….
W HAT ’ S THE P ROBLEM HERE ?? …..the French people thought the immigrants would work in France temporarily, then return home. Then in the 1970s, more North African immigrants started to move to France. This compounded the problem because: the French government was already weak. the French people felt that the immigrants were taking jobs away from their own people. What was the French governments response to these problems? Answer: start limiting immigration.
T ENSIONS R ISE : A P OLITICAL P ROTEST In 2004, a French law was proposed to ban students from wearing headscarves, jewish caps, and other religious symbols to school. In November 2005, discouraged immigrants in several French cities began to riot. Immigrants faced economic disadvantages and claimed that the French gov. and people had treated them unfairly. The French gov. responded with curfews, police raids, and security measures.
A POLITICAL PROTEST What point are these Muslim women making by displaying the French flag on their heads?
D IVERSE S OCIETY Today, France has become a very diverse society. France and its people have come to value the benefits of a diverse population.