W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic Resources Electronic Resources for Humanities Johanneke Sytsema Subject consultant Linguistics
Structure of the session What are electronic resources? How to find E-resources in Oxford OxLip OCLC First Search – or export titles Overview full text resources
OxLip: (Oxford Libraries’ Information Platform) Databases Full text articles or abstracts Biblographic resources (titles only) Online dictionaries Catalogues – copac, worldcat Oxford E-Journals: –Subscription journals in full text –Accessible within Oxford domain or with Athens password Internet gateways: Intute E-resources at Oxford?
More E-Resources Web of Science (Arts and Humanities Citation Index) –Covers all subject areas –Indexes 1144 humanities’ journals Zetoc (British Library’s Electronic Table of Contents) –Interdisciplinary, can be used as a current awareness service –15 m. article and conference records
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OCLC First Search General Databases WorldCat - Books and other materials in libraries worldwide. ArticleFirst - Index of articles from nearly 12,500 journals. E-Books - electronic books, all subjects ECO - OCLC Electronic Collections Online FastDoc - Index of articles with text online or by . NetFirst - OCLC database of Internet resource. UnionList - OCLC Union Lists of Serials.
OCLC First Search Specialized Databases ArtAbstracts - Leading publications in the world of the arts. ATLA - Religion Database; full text articles and citation database BiographyInd - Guide to wide range of biographical material. BookRevDigst - Reviews of fiction and nonfiction books. ClasePeriodica -Index of Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities ERIC - Journal articles and reports in education. GPO - U.S. government publications. MEDLINE - Abstracted articles from medical journals. MLA - Literature, languages, linguistics, folklore. PapersFirst - An index of papers presented at conferences. Proceedings - An index of conference publications. RILM - Abstracts of music literature. WorldAlamanac - Several World Almanacs.
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Full text and primary resources Humanities e-publishing model incorporates both access to current information (journals) but also to primary sources and reference works Many of the resources published are focused on providing access to a large corpus of works – normally characterised by specific periods / language
Full text and primary resources Ancient / Medieval period –Thesaurus Linguae Graecae [TLG] – Ancient and Medieval Greek texts. From 8 th century BC to 1453 –Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts [CLCLT] – Latin texts from 240 BC to Vatican II. Strongest in classical period, patristic fathers, and medieval latin literature. Also contains Reformation and Counter-Reformation texts. –Patrologia Latina – E-version of Migne’s 217 volume work covering the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in –Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina [BTL] – Latin texts from the Republic to the end of the Roman Empire.
Full text and primary resources Bible in English – 21 versions of the Bible BibleWorks – over 65 versions of the Bible, including the Vulgate, KJV, NRSV, Geneva etc. Past Masters – English full-text of important authors, includes Aquinas, Augustine, Berkley, Burnley, Calvin, Coleridge, Descartes, Hegel, Hume, Luther, Nietzche etc. etc. British History Online – core printed primary and secondary sources for medieval and modern history LION – Literature Online – provides access to an extensive range of English literature covering poetry, prose and plays. Also has additional links and information i.e. bibliographies and links to web sites etc.
Full text and primary resources Look at two important resources of relevance to a range of subjects in the Humanities –Early English Books Online [EEBO]– covering books published in English from –Eighteenth Century Collections Online [ECCO] – 150,000 books in English published between
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Full-text on the web There is a huge amount of full-text material available online To locate this material use focused gateways like INTUTE rather than rely on Google INTUTE also provides links to range of other resources - recommended
Web resources INTUTE Gateway to internet resources (primary texts in full text, secundary sources, research projects) Evaluated by experts Arts and Humanities Advanced search Browse by subject
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Summary Books and Journal titles: Use OLIS to check availability at Oxford Use OxLip databases if not available in Oxford Journal articles: Use OxLip databases for wider title and subject searches Use TDNet to check electronic availability at Oxford Full text, reference and bibliographical sources online: Use subject lists on OxLIP to locate relevant resources INTUTE for freely available online resources
W orkshops in I nformation S kills and E lectronic Resources Electronic Resources for Humanities Any questions? Johanneke Sytsema Subject Consultant Linguistics