Mr Wilson English Language arts LMAC Writing a Movie Review Mr Wilson English Language arts LMAC
The Basic Elements? So what did we notice last week when we went over the Movie Reviews? Intro & Context – director, writer, background info…etc. Condensed Plot Synopsis – enough to make it interesting, without giving it away! Character Evaluation – what is our focus? Casting Choices – why did they get the part? Analysis & Critique – arguments about specific parts of the film…Think back… Final Evaluation – what is your recommendation? = Must include everything mentioned above!
The Bottom Line? There are good and bad reviews: what makes a Review good or bad? Too cheesy Gives away too much Elicits interest FOCUSED – does not try to do too much. Keep it simple! Funny Short and to the point Back-story Makes you look forward to seeing it!
Review vs. Essay What makes a Review different than an Essay? Title – it should grab your attention, and have a Sub-title which tells me what your focus will be. Sentence Fragments & Questions – anything that gives your Review some spice is acceptable. Run-on Sentences – this is ok in article writing! IF it adds to your style. Shorter Paragraphs – not often, but they can be useful. (1 to 5 sentences Max) Allusions, Similes and Metaphors – work great! First Person – use it! But not EVERYWHERE.
GOOD WRITING IS GOOD WRITING. Review vs. Essay How are they the same? Focus – it still needs to have a central idea or a thesis holding everything together (i.e.: your evaluation!) Connections – by the end, meaning when I read your evaluation, everything needs to connect. Grammar – it still has to be grammatically correct. Style – everyone has a writing style: sarcasm, dry humour, makes Allusions, etc. What is yours? Research – good writers are well-read, and it shows in their writing. Go onto the internet and read read read! GOOD WRITING IS GOOD WRITING.
Where do You Start? Rotten Tomatoes – The Mecca of all Movie Review sites: The Hour – I gave you two examples in class: The Mirror – Another great independent newspaper: The Gazette – More boring, but they have a great site:
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