Oceanshttp://life.uiuc.edu/animalbiology/105/ ID: eee105 Password: prAIRie
Who owns the Oceans? 3 miles off coast or 12 miles? or continental margin? or continental margin? Territorial waters Continental shelf
Who owns the Oceans? 3 miles off coast or 12 miles? or continental margin? or continental margin? Territorial waters Continental shelf 200 mile fishing control
Who owns the Oceans?
Tragedy of the Commons Garrett Hardin, Science, 162(1968):
Tragedy of the Commons Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all. Garrett Hardin, Science, 162(1968):
Fishing 13% of world’s protein from the oceans
Overfishing Atlantic cod
Overfishing Canadian Cod Catch
Overfishing 1994 U.S.Commerce Dept. closed Georges Bank to fishing. Cod are “commercially extinct”
Overfishing ‘60’s-’70’s Alaskan salmon declined‘60’s-’70’s Alaskan salmon declined ‘70’s Peruvian anchovy collapsed‘70’s Peruvian anchovy collapsed ‘90’s Newfoundland cod closed‘90’s Newfoundland cod closed ‘98 North Atlantic salmon moratorium‘98 North Atlantic salmon moratorium 80% of U.S.’s 191 commercially80% of U.S.’s 191 commercially important fish stocks are fully important fish stocks are fully exploited or overfished
Overfishing American Fisheries Society November 2000 report lists 82 marine fish species endangered lists 82 marine fish species endangered
Overfishing As coastal fisheries become barren, fishers turn to deeper waters. fishers turn to deeper waters. e.g. discovery of Orange Roughy, 1980’s e.g. discovery of Orange Roughy, 1980’s live to 150 years live to 150 years don’t breed until 30 don’t breed until 30
Overfishing As coastal fisheries become barren, fishers turn to deeper waters. fishers turn to deeper waters. e.g. discovery of Orange Roughy, 1980’s e.g. discovery of Orange Roughy, 1980’s
Drift Netting mile gill nets international waters in 1992 Banned by United nations from “Wall of Death”
Drift Netting
Dolphin-free Tuna In Eastern Tropical Pacific yellowfin tuna accompanied by dolphin schools
Dolphin-free Tuna Tuna were captured by encirclement Dolphins died in great numbers
Dolphin-free Tuna by encirclement U.S. Congress banned tuna caught Banned foreign-caught tuna if encircled Created Dolphin-Free Label Tuna canners & stores volunteered Dolphin mortality declined
Dolphin-free Tuna However U.S.Government now backtracking
Minke Whales
Minamata ‘50’s periodic fish kills “cat suicides” “cat dancing disease”
Minamata disease
bacteria metallic mercury metallic mercury Methyl mercury Absorbed into fats Gray mullet 10.6 ppm Hg crab crab 35.7 ppm Hg Human liver liver 70.5 ppm Hg 70.5 ppm Hg kidney kidney 144 ppm Hg 144 ppm Hg Bioaccumulation
Minamata disease Jan. 12, Pregnant women should avoid eating certain species of large ocean fish, the FDA announced today, because of a danger of contamination by methyl mercury, a substance that can harm the nervous system in a developing baby.