Quality evaluation of MPEG4 video transmission over GPRS networks.. Presented by: Abdullah M. Rana Multimedia Communication
Project Overview… Motivation of the Project… ◦ Multimedia Transmission ◦ Low bandwidth wireless networks ◦ Cellular Network infrastructure ◦ GPRS as the medium ◦ Applications requiring better audio/video quality these wireless networks.. ◦ NS2 Network Simulator ◦ Evalvid- Quality Evaluation.
GPRS GSM based architecture Provision for multi slotting IP Network Channel Protection Coding schemes (CS1-CS3) Packet switched radio transmission Suited for bursty applications (e.g. Internet) Data rates up to 170 kbps Re-uses GSM resources Lower call set-up times; cheaper Scheme Code Rate Throughput(bits/ts) Data Rate cs-I I / cs-2 2/ cs-3 3/ cs
GPRS architecture
Network Simulator NS2 Event driven simulator Split language – OTcl and C++ Nodes and links; routing algorithms; queuing schemes Protocols – TCP, UDP, IP Traffic generators – CBR, Exponential, Pareto Basic mobility support. Graphical interface NAM Graphs - Xgraph
Evalvid hpds.ee.ncku.edu.tw/.../image017.jpg
Example TCL script set ns1 [new Simulator] #Creating two nodes set node1 [$ns1 node]; set node2 [$ns1 node] #Creating a link between the nodes; prop delay=10ms; Drop tail. $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1Mb 10ms DropTail #Nodes themselves don't send/receive data. Create an agent to do so set cbr0 [new Agent/CBR] $ns attach-agent $n0 $cbr0 #create sink set null0 [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $n1 $null0 #connect the two agents $ns connect $cbr0 $null0 #Tell cbr0 when to start and stop $ns at 0.5 "$cbr0 start" $ns at 4.5 "$cbr0 stop“ $ns run
Wireless Simulation code # Set up hierarchical routing. # Specify topology. # Create ‘God’ # Create a Base Station $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting DSR -llType LL -macType ifqType DropTail -ifqLen 100 -antType OmniAntenna -propType TwoRayGround -phyType WirelessPhy -topoInstance $topo -wiredRouting ON -agentTrace ON -routerTrace ON -macTrace ON -movementTrace OFF -channel $chan_
Wireless Simulation Code set BS(0) [$ns_ node 1.0.0] $BS(0) random-motion 0 $BS(0) set X_ 1.0 $BS(0) set Y_ 2.0 # create mobile nodes in the same domain as BS(0) $ns_ node-config -wiredRouting OFF set node_(0) [ $ns_ node 1.0.1] $node_(0) base-station [AddrParams addr2id [$BS(0) node-addr]] # create and attach Agents – TCP/UDP/CBR : # include movement.. $ns_at 10.0 “$node(0) setdest :
Quality Evaluation.. PSNRMOSQualityImpairment > 375ExcellentImperceptible GoodPerceptible/ non annoying FairSlightly annoying PoorAnnoying <201BadVery annoying
Results… File Sizes vs. PSNR FPS= 20, BIT Rate= 128KBPS, Q=15, size =Qcif
Results… Frame rate vs. PSNR File Size= 10Kb, Bit rate= 128 kbps, Q=15
Results… Quantization Scale vs. File size Bit Rate= 128Kbps, FPS=10, GOP=13, Size= Qcif, error resilience=4
Results… Bit rate vs. File Size FPS= 10, GOP=30, size= Qcif, Q=15, error= 4
Results… GOP vs File Size FPS=10, Bit rate=5Kbps, Q=15,size=Qcif,error=4