UW on iTunes U – An overview Friday a.m. seminar 17 November 2006 Andrea Chappell
The iTunes U suite iPods – You may have seen them iPods – You may have seen them iTunes iTunes –Installed on your desktop system –Helps manage music and other multimedia –You can subscribe to podcasts to automatically receive new files via iTunes –iPod can synch with iTunes iTunes Music Store can be source of files iTunes Music Store can be source of files
What is iTunes U? Special instance of iTunes Music Store, result of Duke Digital Initiative Special instance of iTunes Music Store, result of Duke Digital Initiative Hosted service provided by Apple for universities and colleges Hosted service provided by Apple for universities and colleges “Brandable” to school’s image “Brandable” to school’s image In US: Duke, Stanford, Berkeley, … In US: Duke, Stanford, Berkeley, … Ontario interest: OCAD, Nippissing, UoT, York, Queens, … Ontario interest: OCAD, Nippissing, UoT, York, Queens, …
UW on iTunes U Intend to investigate uses, no support commitment at this time! Signed agreement with Apple for UW site on the Apple iTunes U service Signed agreement with Apple for UW site on the Apple iTunes U service –“Keys” to access site –Edit scripts (thanks to Jeff Voskamp) Give access to interested parties Give access to interested parties Report (UCIST) Report (UCIST)
Areas of interest – many Communications about UW Communications about UW –Guest lectures, announcements, interviews with UW community, tours, … Courses Courses –Lectures, student-created materials, topic “lead-ins”, field trips, … Accessibility Accessibility …
What is Podcasting? More than audio (e.g., MP3 file) made available for download More than audio (e.g., MP3 file) made available for download Difference is in subscription service Difference is in subscription service Audio files automatically downloaded to your computer once you subscribe to a service (e.g., CBC Radio Ideas program), and synched to iPod Audio files automatically downloaded to your computer once you subscribe to a service (e.g., CBC Radio Ideas program), and synched to iPod
What is a podcast file? MP3 file wrapped up in RSS feed MP3 file wrapped up in RSS feed –Really Simple Syndication –RSS 2.0 allowed MP3 files (not just words) Way of subscribing to content feed Way of subscribing to content feed Free tools to create and advertise your RSS (e.g., Feedburner and Blogger) Free tools to create and advertise your RSS (e.g., Feedburner and Blogger)
Podcast production (approx.) 1. Create audio file (e.g., in Audacity or recording device) and convert to MP3 file 2. Create RSS 2.0 feed, the envelope that lets RRS readers know there is an audio file 3. RSS aggregator checks your subscriptions for new files (e.g., Doppler, iTunes) 4. Play on computer, or on other MP3 player, and synch with iPod iTunes U can help 2 – 4
Quick show and tell
Next? Lots of questions Who gets access at what level? Who gets access at what level? Who gets how much space? Who gets how much space? Producing content? Producing content? What is “official” and unofficial and who manages? (Who “owns” site?) What is “official” and unofficial and who manages? (Who “owns” site?) FIPPA FIPPA What support is required? What support is required? What benefits compared to other methods? What benefits compared to other methods?