Oral Language
Students whose first language is not English may experience difficulties with content and form of English usage. Decide which areas the following students might need help in:
Oral Language A hispanic student may say “choo” for the English word shoe, because the sh sound is not found in Spanish.
Oral Language A hispanic student may say “choo” for the English word shoe, because the sh sound is not found in Spanish. Articulation - Phonology
Oral Language When shown a picture of an umbrella and asked to tell the teacher what you use it for, a Haitian student might state that it is used for the sun.
Oral Language When shown a picture of an umbrella and asked to tell the teacher what you use it for, a Haitian student might state that it is used for the sun. Semantics
Oral Language Chinese students indicate plural by placing a number in front of the noun. Therefore, a child who is asked to tell the teacher how many arms and legs he has may respond by saying “two arm” and “two leg.”
Oral Language Chinese students indicate plural by placing a number in front of the noun. Therefore, a child who is asked to tell the teacher how many arms and legs he has may respond by saying “two arm” and “two leg.” Morphology
Oral Language In Spanish, an adjective follows a noun it is describing. Therefore, a student who comments on the teacher’s dress as being pretty may say “the dress pretty.”
Oral Language In Spanish, an adjective follows a noun it is describing. Therefore, a student who comments on the teacher’s dress as being pretty may say “the dress pretty.” Syntax
Oral Language