Transitional Shelter 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 – 09:10 09:10 – 09:20 09:20 – 09:40 09:40 – 09:50 09:50 – 10:50 10:50 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:15 12:15 – 13:00 13:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 14:30 14:30 – 14:50 14:50 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 17:30 17:30 Update: Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes Projects Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre
Transitional Shelter 1.History 2.Objectives 3.Transitional Shelter projects 4.Roles 5.Next steps 6.Outputs Content
Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes background The Transitional Shelter Standards Project was initiated in 2006.The Transitional Shelter Standards and Prototypes project is one of ten deliverables The need to support transitional shelter was identified and prioritised at the Shelter Meeting sector forum, by participants of Shelter Meeting The humanitarian community have agreed a set of Transitional Shelter Standards, indicators and requirements for stockpilable transitional shelter Manufacturers and suppliers have agreed to create prototypes of transitional shelter that aim to meet the standards 1. History
Transitional Shelter What we have done Drafted performance standards, informed by ongoing prototype development (completed 2004) Formed Project Consortium and reviewed and revised draft standards Finalised and published cold and hot climate performance standards Draft of Shelter Standards launched at SM08a Identified manufacturers to display prototypes at SM08b Manufacturers developed prototypes for review at SM09a and SM09b. 1. History
Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes objectives Bring together in a Consortium the humanitarian community of experienced donors, UN bodies and implementing agencies Engage a series of manufacturers to build confidence within the humanitarian community that credible Transitional Shelters can be produced Agree finalised Transitional Shelter Standards Work with manufacturers to develop a collection of stockpilable family Transitional Shelter Prototypes that achieve the Transitional Shelter Standards. 2. Objectives
Transitional Shelter Standards, Prototypes, and Guidelines The Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes projects are part of a coordinated initiative with the Transitional Shelter Guidelines 3. Transitional Shelter projects
Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes roles Consortium Bring key stakeholders to agreement regarding common standards and indicators for transitional family shelter following conflict and natural disasters 4. Roles
Transitional Shelter Members of the project Consortium CordaidMedair InternationalSave the Children SDC/HAUN-HabitatUSAID/OFDA UN/OCHAHFHIDFID TrócaireCRSMuslim Aid RICSJICAOxfam GB RedRPractical ActionNRC MSF-IntCARE InternationalCHF International IOMCAFODCOHRE ECHOODIAMURT SFLProAct NetworkCaritas Austria Sphere ProjectProVention ConsortiumRed Cross Societies World Vision International The project is also observed by the IFRC and UNHCR 4. Roles
Transitional Shelter Standards & Prototypes roles Manufacturers Take the standards agreed by the consortium members and develop prototypes which are presented at Shelter Meetings for review by consortium members 4. Roles
Transitional Shelter Manufacturing partners Manufacturers present with prototypes at SM10a Evenproducts H. Sheikh Nord-ud Din & Sons Maddel International Nunatak Systems Worldwide Shelters Manufacturers present without prototypes at SM10a Kanter & Karlsson Manufacturers not present at SM10a Alpinter Relief Services Kay Tent Industries World Shelters 4. Roles
Transitional Shelter Next steps Shelter Centre to explore, with the humanitarian community, the opportunity for testing to support transitional shelter and the project Manufactures to develop prototypes further with winterisation options Shelter Centre and manufacturers to present progress on test regime and winterisation at SM10b Test regime Standards to be finalised by SM11a Shelters to be tested for accreditation 5. Next steps
Transitional Shelter Outputs Finalised Transitional Shelter Standards, tested through prototyping and agreed by both the manufacturers and humanitarian community Feasible, credible Transitional Shelters, demonstrated through achieving within the humanitarian community and amongst shelter manufacturers of the challenges of winterisation A variety of working Transitional Shelter Prototypes, developed over time by shelter manufacturers, via a process of feedback and revision A practical and affordable test regime 6. Outputs