Optimizing Nitrogen and Irrigation Timing for Corn Fertigation Applications Using Remote Sensing Ray Asebedo, David Mengel, and Randall Nelson Kansas State University Manhattan, KS
Objectives Measure the impact of the relationship between irrigation timing, N rate, and timing of N application with corn grain yield Evaluate the potential for developing algorithms designed for fertigation systems
Experimental Design Research plots 10’x40’ Randomized complete block design Four replications Two irrigated sites at KSU experiment fields One flood irrigation site with farmer cooperation in 2012 only
Treatment Protocol, 2012 TreatmentN SourceStarter NPre-Plant NIn-Season N RateTotal N Rate 1Urea Urea Urea UAN V4100 5UAN V4180 6UAN V4270 7UAN2040Sensor60+Sensor 8UAN2080Sensor100+Sensor 9UAN20125Sensor145+Sensor 10Check20N/A
Treatment Protocol, Total N Rate Reduced TreatmentN SourceStarter NPre-Plant NIn-Season N RateTotal N Rate 1Urea Urea Urea UAN V480 5UAN V4140 6UAN V4200 7UAN2040Sensor60+Sensor 8UAN2080Sensor100+Sensor 9UAN20120Sensor140+Sensor 10Check20N/A
Sampling Methods 0-6” and 0-24” soil samples prior to planting Irrigation scheduling made with KanSched2 Canopy reflectance measured at multiple growth stages Optical Sensor utilized, Trimble Greenseeker V-10 and R-1 Tucker and Mengel(2010) algorithm utilized for sensor based N recommendations Harvested with plot combine at KSU Experiment fields. Hand harvested at farmer fields Combine harvest area, 5’x40’ Hand harvest area, 5’x17.5’
Site Information, Scandia Station Year Soil TypeCrete silt loam Previous CropSoybeans Tillage PracticeRidge Till Corn HybridNA Pioneer P1602 Plant Population (plants/ac) Irrigation TypeLateral Planting Date4/27/20125/16/20135/5/2014 Second Treatment V-46/4/20126/19/20136/19/2014 Third Treatment V-8 through V-106/14/20127/3/2013NA Last Treatment V-16 through R-16/28/2012NA8/4/2014 Harvest Date10/24/201211/1/201311/11/2014
Site Information, Scandia Site 2 Year2012 Soil TypeCarr Fine Sandy loam Previous CropSoybeans Tillage PracticeRidge Till Corn HybridNA Plant Population (plants/ac)32000 Irrigation TypeFlood Planting Date4/27/2012 Second Treatment V-46/4/2012 Third Treatment V-86/14/2012 Last Treatment V-166/26/2012 Harvest Date9/25/2012
Site Information, Rossville Station Year Soil TypeEudora sandy loam Previous CropSoybeans Tillage PracticeConventional Corn HybridPioneer 0876Producers Hybrid 7224 VT3 Plant Population (plants/ac)32000 IrrigationLateral Planting Date4/29/20134/23/2014 Second Treatment V-46/3/20136/6/2014 Third Treatment V-106/25/2013NA Last Treatment V-16 through R-1NA7/8/2014 Harvest Date9/23/20139/17/2014
Results: By Site and By Year
2012, Scandia Site 2 Farmer Cooperative Field TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a)Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 4Pre-plant/V A 9Pre-plant/Sensor ABC 1Pre-plant ABC 2Pre-plant ABC 3Pre-plant ABC 7Pre-plant/Sensor ABC 8Pre-plant/Sensor ABC 5Pre-plant/V BC 6Pre-plant/V C 10Check C Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2012, Scandia Site 2 Farmer Cooperative Field
Approximately 60 pounds of N per acre was applied through the irrigation water Low response to applied N Site not utilized after 2012 due to high NO3-N in irrigation water Sensor treatments over applied N
2012, Scandia Station TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a) Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 6Preplant/V A 5Preplant/V A 3Preplant A 9Preplant/Sensor A 8Preplant/Sensor B 2Preplant BC 7Preplant/Sensor BC 1Preplant C 4Preplant/V D 10Check E Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2012, Scandia Station
Split N applications Preplant/V-4 achieved highest yield 187 bu/ac at 180 lbs N/ac Preplant treatment required 230 lb N/ac to be statistically equal to highest yielding Split treatments Sensor treatment with 125 lb N/ac at Preplant was able achieve high yield but overestimated N need to attain it
2013, Scandia Station TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a) Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 5Preplant/V A 8Pre-plant/Sensor AB 4Preplant/V AB 3Pre-plant AB 6Preplant/V AB 7Pre-plant/Sensor AB 2Pre-plant AB 9Pre-plant/Sensor AB 1Pre-plant B 10Check C Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2013, Scandia Station
Overall yields were lower than expected at 179 bu/ac. Expected yields were 250 bu/ac. Likely due to late planting Low response to applied N Primary response was to total N rate Conditions were conducive for mineralization of N Sensor treatments achieved highest yield group but overestimated the N requirements
2013, Rossville Station TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a) Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 8Pre-plant/Sensor A 7Pre-plant/Sensor A 9Pre-plant/Sensor AB 6Preplant/V AB 5Preplant/V ABC 2Pre-plant ABC 3Pre-plant BC 4Preplant/V CD 1Pre-plant D 10Check000070E Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2013, Rossville Station
Significant response to applied N Soil is a deep sandy loam and incurred frequent leaching events, lowering overall yield ranging from bu/ac Sensor treatments generated the highest yields but only statistically different from lower rate preplant treatments Results indicate fertigation systems may need to make frequent low rate N applications to satisfy N demand despite water requirements being met or exceeded
2014, Rossville Station TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a) Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 2Pre-plant A 6Preplant/V AB 5Preplant/V ABC 3Pre-plant ABC 1Pre-plant ABC 7Pre-plant/Sensor ABC 9Pre-plant/Sensor BC 4Preplant/V C 8Pre-plant/Sensor C 10Check D Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2014, Rossville Station
Excellent yields and significant response to N Clay lense at 24” to 36” depths held up water in the rooting zone, preventing leaching losses. As a result much higher yields were obtained compared to the 2013 Rossville site bu/ac Sensor treatments were effective at finding 90% economic optimum, achieving 237 bu/ac from 55 lb of applied N/ac
2014, Scandia Station TreatmentTiming Method Starter N (lb/a) Preplant N (lb/a) In-Season N (lb/a) Total N Applied (lb/a) Yield (bu/a) LSD Grouping 6Preplant/V A 3Pre-plant AB 9Pre-plant/Sensor AB 7Pre-plant/Sensor AB 2Pre-plant B 8Pre-plant/Sensor B 5Preplant/V BC 1Pre-plant C 4Preplant/V D 10Check E Treatments with same letter are not statistically different at an 0.05 alpha
2014, Scandia Station
Excellent yields bu/ac and significant response to applied N Low N loss Conducive conditions for mineralized N, resulting in high productivity, 163 bu/ac check Sensor treatments were effective at determining the optimum N rate (150 lb N/ac) and achieve high yield 231 bu/ac
Potential for Fertigation and Remote Sensing Would be able to conduct crop monitoring throughout the growing season, thus presenting the possibility to determine the optimize N rate and timing for any given soil and year (weather) Sensor algorithms must be specifically designed for fertigation systems Fertigation systems may need to apply N when water requirements have been met or exceeded
2015 So Far
But… Heavy rain created anaerobic conditions Most fields did not need additional N